
Sp attack and sp defence pokemon fans only?

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What does sp attack and sp defence. Thanks For example if my pokemon was a dragon type and if I used his dragon moves do they go under sp attack or something.Thanks for those who help




  1. Yup. Dragon is a hard example, because for some reason dragon moves are super effective on it. But I THINK that sp. attack is an attack of the same type of your pokemon's type (rock from rock, water from water, dragon from dragon) and sp. defense is when someone uses a move on you that's your same type (rock on rock, water on water, grass on grass)

  2. It doesn't work like that anymore. In the 1st through 3rd gen games it was type reliant and dragon would be special att. But now in D/P it matters on the move. For instance dragon claw relies on attack and dragon pulse on spec. att. You can tell by looking at the little icon that goes with moves. A blue circle symbol is special attack and a red and orange star like symbol means physical. kinda describes it.

  3. ok. now, it depends on what game u playing. if its diamond/pearl, then dragon types are either sp attk or attack. depends if its physical or special. if ur on the older games, then its simpler. dragon is a special type. that means, its power is based on sp attack and the resistance to it is the sp defence. i think, thunder, water, fire, dragon, dark, grass, water, ice, psychic, dark is all SPECIAL TYPES, that means it relys on SPECIAL ATTACK AND SPECIAL DEFENCE

    and i think normal,rock,fighting,ground,steel, idunno bout this but maybe ghost, flying, are allPHYSICAL SO THEY RELY ON ATTACK AND DEFENCE, NOT SPECIAL.

    heres what i think to myself. if it uses the pokemons body part in any name like, wing attack, then u noe that its a physical type. and if its like something like a fireball or somethiong then its special.  

  4. not what you said.

    there are 2 kinds of moves : physical and special.

    physical becomes stronger if the attack was high

    and special becomes stronger if the special attack was high

    if you want to know what kind is your move, in the game go to the menu and go to your pokemon and see the move you want to know what kind it is and you will see one of three pictures

    1- exploding-like picture  (physical)

    2-circle-like picture         (special)

    3- yin yang like picture  (other)

    and there are 2 kinds of defenses

    1-against physical

    2-against special

  5. sp attack i think, is something that is super effective for example using thunder on a water type, if thats not what it is then its like flamethrower or water gun where the pokemon dont make contact

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