
Spa owners,can you recommend a good software company in singapore?

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Spa owners,can you recommend a good software company in singapore?




  1. In spa, service is very important. Customer's record of likes, dislikes, allergies, etc would be important. Think about customer centric services as compared with service centric concepts of yesteryear. In customer centric services, we aim to provide services, plan facilities, etc around the customer. When the customer comes into the spa, we go to the customer, instead of having them come to the counter for registration, etc. This form of services is now possible with Tablet PC. Unfortunately, most software companies are of the yesteryear in hardware and digital inking capable software are rare in Singapore. It would be good if you are the first one - it sets the standard and image for your company. Check out the hardware in the link below. They are cool

  2. i have a good desginer and software developer here who has experience and charges are reasonable. Feel free to contact me for more info.

  3. Hi there, if you are looking software for ur spa , we can work it out. I did spa software solution before. Let me know if u interested.

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