
SpaghettiO's after a tooth extraction??

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I got my tooth extracted yesterday around 1pm i am so hungry would it be alright to eat spaghettiO's or not??




  1. go for it - Spaghetti O's , mashed potaoes n gravy, yogurt , jello, pudding, tomato soup, mac n cheese - there are a lot of things you can eat ..... But spaghettiO's sounds yum!!

  2. yes, also pudding ,jello  any soft foods

  3. the oral surgeon should have given u instructions about that, but i kno i ate by then at least, anything u dont have to chew should be good but y on earth would u want spaghettios, yuk, that canned sauce is gnarly lol.

  4. yes spaghettios should be fine. I ate that them getting all 4 wisdom teeth out.

  5. Yea its fine, I had Chef Boyardee about 10 mins after I got home from the dentist the DAY I got 2 teeth extracted!! You'll b fine, also eat puddings and jello and soup and stuff. Chef boyardee is good too, in my experiance. =)) Hang in there, and stick to a soft food diet for the first 48 hours. good luck!!

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