
Spain's History?

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Who discovered and colonized Spain?

Don't give me no stupid answers like go to or something like that.




  1. in the iberian peninsula, lived some tribes as the basques, the lusitans...when the roman empire conquered the peninsula, this tribes disapered. the romans were a lo of time in the peninsula.

    the germans conquered the peninsula when the roman empire fell. the visigot( a german tribe) conquered the peninsula.

    in the year 711 the muslims attacked the visigoth kingdom and the cristhians settled in the actual Asturias. they re-conquisted the peninsula and they formed the first kingdom. the first was the kingdom of Asturias, then the Kingdom of Leon. with each new territories they formed a kingdom.

    in the kindmon of leon, the county of Castilla became independent. the county of Castilla and the kingdom of Leon fusioned into the kingdom of Castilla y León. the Caolingian empire formed some conties in the est. the catalonians counties. the kingdom of castilla-León (then Castilla alone), an the cataloniasns counties (independendts, under the power of the King of France) conquisted territories.

    the catalonians counties became in the Kindom of Aragon and The western part of the peninsula became into Kingdom of Portugal. these territories finished the conquisted first that the Kingom of castilla.

    in the Kingdom of Granadawas the last muslim kingdom.

    it desapered when the catholics Kings (Isabel of Castilla and Fernando of Aragón), the first Kings of Spain, conquered granada and Cristopher Columbus diascover America for theys.

    in the nexts centuries, you know the history. the spanish emipre, the Napoleon empire, the independence wars, the republics, the dictatur in the second world war, the return of the spanish monarchy etc etc

  2. Spain is an European country, placed  between France and Portugal. It was invaded by Rome, Islam, Greek people, Napoleon, Cartage, Celtics, Visigoths,  Tartesos,Phoenician,Suevos, Vandalos.

    Mainly Rome and the Islam,

    Who discovered it? Nobody. It was known   a long time ago. It was always a known  place.

    I'm Spaniard

  3. no you go to wikpedia anyways wikpedia is not 100%accurate

  4. Where I live in Spain they found Neanderthal man. That is going back 350,000 years ago, but in more recent times going back just over 2000 years you had the Phoenicians, the Visigoths, The Romans, The Moors & the Christians. I think the biggest influence on Spain were the Moors. Their architecture is everywhere. Many of the Spanish people especially Andalucia are distantly related to the Moors. Many towns, their names still have Arabic meanings. It is a wondrous country.

    Spain played a big part through the ages of colonizing other countries especially the Americas. Spanish is a Major language spoken in many parts of the world.

  5. Modern humans in the form of Cro-Magnons began arriving in the Iberian Peninsula from the Pyrenees some 35,000 years ago. The best known artifacts of these prehistoric human settlements are the famous paintings in the Altamira cave of Cantabria in northern Spain, which were created about 15,000 BC. New archeological research at Atapuerca indicates that the Iberian Peninsula was peopled more than a million years ago.

  6. The Basques may be descended from earliest people to inhabit Spain -- Their language is unrelated other any other language in the world. Later came the Iberians and Celts.  Then Spain was colonized by the Carthiginians, Greeks and Romans.
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