
Spain Olympic basketball team racist?

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There are those (a lot them Spaniards) who say that it isn't racist. If I'm an American, and i say that it is racist, am I considered a close minded, uneducated American, or am I on par with the world. Do the Europeans consider the incident racism? It is considered a sign of racism to the international world right? I may sound kind of stupid, but going through the internet, I see Americans saying it's racist, and some Europeans say it is, and others aren't, so I just want to know.




  1. i am from the us of a... i see it as very immature.  they say it was a request from the photographer... but how could they not know it would offend people?  when i first saw the picture i was appalled, and glad i was not from spain.

  2. You know what? I don't think they meant to be racist. The thing is people in different parts of the world are different. In some countries, making fun of another person's appearance or ethnicity is acceptable and it is not considered racist. This is why some are wondering how come it's a big deal. In America, it is a big deal because we are living in a culture where it is not ok. I'm sure China didn't appreciate it because they were the target but in my opinion, they didn't meant to be racist.

  3. Though Spaniards are widely known for their racism, I think they didn't mean as an offense. But It was very unacceptable and showed lack of Judgement.

  4. They think its a joke and their excuse was "We were trying to be friendly". Oh please, I am not Chinese but I am Asian and I find that utterly offensive. How sad for them, especially since their coach has a history of being a racist.

  5. No.  They were models for an ad for the businessman and final runner of the Olympic torch who is Chinese.  That picture was planned and accepted by Chinese businessmen.

  6. you are not closed minded at all...its the spandards who are close minded its offensive i am chinese and i find it extremly offensive to me they are racist and close-minded

    spain is prob. living in the 19/20 century where they think the white man can do what ever the fu(k they want  

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