
Spain Questions......?

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Which beach is popular with sunbathers from around the world? (must be in spain.)

Which region of spain is famous for its windmills?

- Can you please provide the source where you found it from, so I can read more about it.




  1. Sunbathers: "la costa del sol" and Benidor

    Windmills: Tarifa (Cádiz)

    I'm sorry I can't provide you a source. I know it because I'm Spanish but now that you know the names you can goggle them!

    Look luck.

  2. Have any of you guys learned how to use a search engine?

    It really is NOT that difficult to find the answers to these questions, yourselves, and you might ACTUALLY LEARN soemthing, which, I´m pretty sure, is WHY your teachers assigned you these research projects!

    I really think that if you are not actually asking TRAVEL questions, that you should be doing your own research for your homework.

  3. About the beaches, zafir already gave you a source.

    About the windmills, try to read "Don Quijote de La Mancha", by Cervantes. Surely the most famous Spanish novel in history.

  4. Here's a list of the Top 10 beaches in Spain:

    The La Mancha region in central Spain is famous for it's windmills (Don Quixote) - Google it.
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