
Spain and italy racist mud race?

by  |  earlier

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i'll start off by saying in my opinion is russia, greece,spain,italy

which if Hitler was around they would of been extinct. funny how the most racist country are not even consider anglo saxon. germany has prejudice over lack of job to immigrant but the ones who are the mud racist are the racist. More russian died than jew. oh by the way italy was next just like poland start getting extinct .




  1. pointless question

  2. I don't really understand this question, if it is actually a question at all. Are you referring to WW2? Because if that is the case, Germany and Italy were on the same side.

    It looks to me though that you're just telling everyone which countries you think are racist - which is a bit pointless really.  

  3. Yeah, I hate Spain too. I rejoiced when their plane crashed in Madrid and when they were bombed in 2004. The Italians are just a bunch of facist greaseballs

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