
Spain or Costa rica?

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Im a highschool student and i have the oppertunity to study abroad in one of these places. Im going there for a month to study spanish, so which one would be better?




  1. Costa Rica, it is so beautiful, you feel like you are on the edge of the world. It is like no place else on earth. Spain is so modernized too, Costa Rica has traditional untouched beauty!

  2. Costa Rica has a lot of natural stuff to see & experience....Spain has a lot of history.  Costa Rica's warmer, Spain is cool in fall & winter (though summers can be hot).  

    in Spain you will learn real Castellano....Costa Rica not so pure.  Depends if you are going from US or Europe, and what you will use the Spanish for!

    Personally, I think I would choose Spain...Barcelona's a party town (and you can pick up some Catalan to go with your Espanol)

  3. I would say CR because you only have a month.  Costa Rican Spanish is less accented that Spain spanish and is more globally accepted/understood.  Pura Vida!  Plus, economically, the dolar is stronger than the colon (CR) and pretty weak against the Euro (Spain) right now

  4. That's a tough choice.  Spain will show you history beyond belief.  You will be able to view some of the great things that have happened in Europe.

    Spain also has many of the conveniences that we are accustomed to here in the States.  It would be a fairly easy transition.

    Costa Rica, on the other hand, is a beautiful country no matter which way you look.  The people are so kind, generous, and hospitable.  The landscape is breathtaking from the rainforest to the beaches...everywhere!

    Costa Rica, though, is very poor.  You won't have the standard of living that you are used to here.  Which, if you want a real "growing" experience, is probably a good thing.  But if you don't want to have to adapt TOO much, it might be a little difficult for you.

    As regards the type of Spanish spoken in the countries:  The spanish you will learn in Spain is spoken ONLY in Spain.  Don't try to use it on Latin Americans because, while they will understand you, you will be speaking drastically differently from them.  There are many colloquial phrases you will learn that you will never hear again unless you return to Spain.  Costa Ricans speak typical Latin American spanish, which is good anywhere South of the border!  :-)  Of course, every country has their slang, but they speak, for the most part, the same Spanish as the rest of South/Central America.

    Whichever country you choose, enjoy your experience to the fullest!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Don't be afraid to make a bit of a fool out of yourself with language/culture/food...whatever.  That's part of the fun.  Have a great time!  It will be the best experience.

  5. costa rica because it's closer, and it's probably cheaper.

  6. Costa Rica hands down!  My roommate live in both places about 6 months at a time, and she said that her experiences in Costa Rica were much better due to the small town atmosphere (she was at Flamingo Beach, not San Jose).  Her Spanish was much better after she came home from there.  

    If you are looking to explore Europe while you are out of the country go for Spain, if you want to immerse yourself in culture, go to CR.
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