
Spanish, French, or Italian?

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Which one should I learn?

a. Spanish

b. French

c. Italian

d. All of the Above

I like Spanish because it's fun and similar to English and plus I live in Texas which is one of the states packed with a lot of Hispanics.

I like French because it's fun and somewhat similar to English. It is commonly spoken and written all around the world. Plus, I live near Louisiana. (I live in Houston, Texas.)

I like Italian because it is similar to Latin and Spanish. I want to learn the language of the Vatican City and such. (I don't really like Italian that much.)

So what language should I learn?




  1. Italian, it is the most beautiful and musical language in the world.

    Spanish is a bad copy of Italian and French...sounds to stuck up

  2. French is he-- [sorry, French friends!] I love everything French, but I am struggling, as anyone can tell from my many simple-minded questions in Y/A.

  3. Just pick the one that you have to biggest Passion to learn. Don't learn Spanish just because you live near Mexico and lot's of hispanics, but because you really want to be able to travel the world and converse with those specific people. This is the way you should think about it... you live in the USA and you know English so you are covered to live anywhere in the USA, but if you could live in anyother country that is not mainly English where would that be? If it was Canada then you should learn French because not only could it get you around in France, and lot's of Africa but you could talk with Any Single Person in Canada. If it's Italy or Switzerland then Italian, and if it's Central America(minus Brazil) or Spain the go for Spanish.

    The biggest question is which country would you live in and what language do they speak?

    I live in Central Texas but visited Italy for a while and I loved it there and now I have a passion to learn Italian and I am finding that it is easier to learn it with this newfound passion than anyother language has been for me.

    Buona Fortuna!!  

  4. Ilearned Spanish and from there Italian was easy.  now tackling French.  Good Luck

  5. I would go with Spanish and French-

    You can  always learn Italian later...

    when you visit Italy.  ;-)

  6. Spanish would probably be the most useful and may help you get a job quicker than others, seeing as how you live close to the border and the Hispanic population in the US is increasing.

    French is great to know, too. I learned it and love it. It sounds beautiful just to listen to it, and French culture is great.

    As for Italian, there isn't a large population of people in the US that speak it. However, French, Spanish, and Italian are pretty similar. I'm sure if you picked up one, you could easily learn the others!

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