
Spanish Question - How to say?

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How would you say,

"Unfortunately, my extended family live quite far away from us, so I don't see them often. However, we try out best to visit them at the weekend."

Is it:

"Desafortunadamente, mi familia extendida vive lejos de nosotros, asi no los veo [as much as I'd like]. Sin embargo, el fin de semana, hacemos todo lo posible para los visitar." ?




  1. "Desafortunadamente, mi familia extendida vive muy lejos de nosotros; asi es que no los veo frequentemente. Sin embargo, hacemos todo lo posible para visitarlos el fin de semana".

  2. Lamentablemente, mi lfamilia incrementada vive lejos de nosotros, y por eso no nos vemos mucho. Sin embargo, intentamos visitarles los fines de semana.

  3. Yes it is dude i took for years of spanish

  4. It is like 80% right.

    This is the proper way:

    Desafortunadamente mi familia extendida vive lejos de nosotros, así que no los puedo ver. Sin embargo, el fin de semana hacemos todo lo posible por visitarlos.

  5. Hi, I'm italian and study foreign languages like English and Spanish.

    Anyway I'm better at Spanish as I went and lived there for several months. So I am gonna try to translate your sentence:

    "Desafortunataménte, la mayoría de mi familia vive lejos de nosotros, así que no le/la veo muy a menudo (como quisiera). Sin embargo hacemos/intentamos lo mejor que podamos para -ir de visita-/-verla(le)- al menos durante los fines de semana"

    You can use both "le" o "la", "la" is more grammatically correct in this case, but in the spoken language "le" is more used, most of all in the north of Spain. This use of "le" is called -leísmo-, instead the use of "la" -laísmo- (it's not common), the use of "lo" is -loísmo-. Anyway try to use only "le" if u don't know which pronoun is correct, as "leísmo" is accepted by the Real Academia.

    I hope my help was useful. If you need more translations you only have to ask!!!


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