
Spanish Translation: Can someone translate this to English for me?

by  |  earlier

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ok quiero saver

que ases en tu tiempo ibre ? que ases cuando te sientes solo ? te as casado ?

por que me elejiste a mi ? tienes hijos ?

Used Yahoo Babel but it is not making sense. Also, if someone knows translation software that will make this easier for me?




  1. Okay. I want to know:

    What do you do in your free time? What do you do when you feel alone? Have you been married? Why did you choose me? Do you have kids?

  2. you are spelling some words wrong 1 what do you do when you have free time what do you do when your alone are you married do you have kids  que haces en tu tiempo libre  

  3. Ok I want to know.

    what do you (haces) do in your free (Libre) time? what do you do when you feel alone/ lonely? are you married?

    why did you choose me? do you have child?

    I would advise you to check your grammar in spanish because if not any translation thing would not work fine. Beside a translator machine or program does not work as well as a real person.  

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