
Spanish guys tend to prey on teenage girls...?

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Including myself, 6 girls I know have come back from holidays in the Canary Islands after having spanish men try to seduce them.

I mean, when I was 14 this guy who told me and my mum he was 25. He was a waiter and when I was on my own, coming from the toilet he called me I was beautiful and started asking personal questions. When I explained I was only 14 he pretended that he thought I was 16 or 17.

16 or 17? A guy at 25 should not be hitting on a girl at that age either, I think.

Another guy, must have been 30 something at least.

I was walking along the pavement beside shops and this man sitting at a table which was situated on the pavement began to make kissy faces at me from yards away, I was petrified to go any closer so I turned away...BUT he followed me, grabbing my hand and kissing it, I screamed and ran away.

Has anyone else had these weirdos try something funny with you?




  1. are you sure they were Spanish??

  2. Not all Spaniards are the same. You can't generalize. It's stupid to say that Spanish men act on this way. Not all men act on this way and not all Spanish girls find it funny. Spain is not different to the rest of the countries. People are hot, people like to enjoy life, to meet another people, and, why not, to give some good news to the body!! hehehe, but we DON'T HARASH the girls. There are good and bad people, men who like young girls, and men who don't. And there are girls that like it and girls who don't.

    You've said it: they're weirdos, and, fortunately, just a minority

    Question resolved, I hope ;)

  3. Chica, no!! I am spanish, my mom is spanish, my grandparents from my mom's side are spanish, and i kno the spanish guys can be a bit forward and some perverted.  But i think it all depends on what kind of area you were in.  Like i lived in Cadiz, Madrid, Cordoba, and the areas i lived in where small towns basically.  the kinda towns that everyone waves at everyone and knows everything about eachother. My favorite town was Montoro, i never saw or experienced what you are saying there.  or anywhere else i lived. it's happened to me in france, but that's it. (not that all french guys are perverted or anything)... no offense.

  4. Honey, teenage has nothing to do with it.

    And neither, really, does being foreign.  

    What you are describing is called Pirropeando or making pirropos.  and it has to do with a machisto sense that those men have to possess or have power over women.  It has nothing to do with your age, as long as you are young and fairly attractive...I have heard women over fifty lament the change in attitude, even if they though it disgusting when they were's kinda wierd.  

    The thing to remember is to just ignore it and not answer back in any way.  The men are NOT trying to seduce you, just to make you to the sense that you are less than's not a necessarily pretty thing.

    And, as Salvador said, you can't generalize, but if you were seeing men under 50 doing this, it's not dwindling as much as I thought it was.  I thought the younger generation was learning.  You can't say all men, but certainly, the ones who congregate on street corners, and "appreciate the beauty" of women like to do this, and they are trying to out do each other.  

    It's uncomfortable, but you just ignore them, and they won't actually do anything, and if you are far enough away from them, you can turn and say something disparaging, but make sure you can really run, in case someone takes offense.  (I don't recommend it, though...ignoring them is the best advice.)

  5. Not all Spanish men are like that.    I prefer women in my age group who can understand the responsibilities that come with a relationship.

  6. You are to be commended on your good sense in removing yourself from the situation by running away screaming.  No sense in taking chances no matter where you are.  Some men will just prey on young girls no matter what country.

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