
Spanish motor industry...

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i am doing a paper on the spanish motor industry...

i just wanna know whether it's viable for a foriegn car manufacturer to expand it's operations into spain...

are there any preferential taxation rates to local car manufacturers? barriers? what are the preferred type of cars in spain? what type of cars are more heavily taxed? and are future car sales rosy or gloomy? stuff like that

here are some guidelines, the political-legal, economic, socio-cultural, and technological conditions in spain...

hope u can help!

thnx in advance




  1. this is my personal opinion and thoughts based on what i would do. motor vehicle companies especially ones in america are out to make a profit and Spain is a 2nd world country. not that this is a bad thing by any means because all it means is that they as a population choose not to work as much as they could which is arguably better for quality of life. but as im sure you can already tell this is bad for business by any means. a large company is not gonna build a manufacturing plant in a country where people work half as much as people from other countries. American car companies already do a lot of out sourcing to mexico canada and japan because people in these countries have similar work ethics to that of americans and are willing to work for less or laws in those countries allow the companies to save money in certain places such as retirement benefits....

    if a company is gonna build a plant somewhere they want to make sure they can run it to full capacity as often as possible which just simply makes Spain a bad candidate for outsourcing.

  2. it really is best if you do the tasks assigned to you on your own. The whole point of the task is for you to find factual things out yourself and compile them. Simply asking people to do it for you is not exactly the point of it all and let's face it how would you know if it is accurate.

    In any case a foreign car manufacturer has expanded into Spain - SEAT was bought by VW some time ago. The Spanish economy is not great right now as it was bolstered heavily by house construction, which has slowed down a lot. Spend some time in a library, away from bloody computers and do some research of your own, it will make the project worthwhile and do you some good as well.

    Edit - Dude !?! I have no problem answering the question at all. If I did I would not have answered it. You ask it on a public place and should expect to get all sorts of responses. I still stand by what I say, it is a cop out - Yahoo Answers is not a source of serious or credible research. It would also be interesting to see how you would credit information taken from here in the final paper, as I am sure you would of course do. "Source - an unknown person on the internet forum with screen name IvorBiggin - August 2008" or perhaps just plagiarism would be better.

    In any case I also gave you some factual information about the current Spanish economy but bolloc*ks to that I guess.

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