
Spanish one Project on Panama?

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I'm an 8th grader taking spanish one and I need some helpp.

we have a project dew monday and we had to pick a contry and write a report on it i choose panama. I still need something to Smell [ex. foods pollution salty air] and Something to Taste [ ex. fruits vegtables] Plz help.




  1. Something to smell:  Orchids (our national flower is an orchid called Holy Spirit Flower, because it looks like a little dove on the inside)

    Something to Taste:  Our coffe is famous around the world, specially a variety called Kotowa Coffe.

  2. Panama has over 1700 miles of coastline so the smell of salt air would have to be high on any list and also the smell of a freshly brewed cup of cafe con leche made from one of the many excellent varieties of coffee grown in Panama. My favorite taste would have to be freshly made tortillas hot off the stove.

  3. well im from panama well i was born there and um there's food there called empanada which so delcious you can put cheese in it or meat well you can smell well im not sure about that put you can try empananada well hope i helped

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