
Spanish pronunciation question?

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How would you say "Ritz" in Spanish (as in the Hotel Ritz in Madrid?)

Would it be "REEthZ? or REEZE?




  1. reets

  2. Just pronounce it as you would in English.  Most Spaniards have learnt a bit of English so there is no need for you to make the effort.

  3. Se pronuncia "Hootel Reets de Maadreed"

    Proncialo rápido.

    Saludos, adiós!!

  4. EL REETZS (no th)

  5. Reets (with a little roll on the r).

  6. OK i lived in alicante and the pronunciation there was always z = th.sort of between the teeth.

  7. it would be REEthZ

  8. Reets.

    Don't park your chewing gum on the carpets!

    Do have the Sunday 'brunch'!

  9. It would depend on the area of the country where you are at the time that you ask the question.

    In the north of castilian Spain, the letter Z seems to be pronounced as in English.

    In the southern areas, Z is often pronounced like a soft TH, as in 'bath', as is the letter C when it precedes a letter i or e.

    However, Ritz is a fairly well-known hotel chain, so if you pronounce it 'Reetz' or 'Reet-th' you should be understood.

    Not sure about those little cheesy biscuits though.

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