
Spanish questions? (help!)?

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Traduzcanse las frases al espanol, de dos maneras, sugun los ejemplos.

Ejemplo: How long have you been studying Spanish?

a. Cuanto tiempo hace que Ud. estudia el espanol?

b. Desde cuando estudia Ud. el espanol?

ok and the question is:

How long have you been reading?



do i just follow the example and start my answer with Cuanto and Desde? what does desde mean? can someone please translate/answer please?




  1. "Desde" can mean either "from" or "since"; depending upon the context.

    So here are some valid translations for your sentence:

    a.- Cuánto tiempo has estado leyendo? or

    Cuánto has estado leyendo?

    ("Cuanto", refering to reading automatically gives the idea of time, so saying "tiempo" is sort of redundant)

    b.- Desde cuándo has estado leyendo?

    or "Desde cuando estas leyendo?" (not so accurate, because the verb is being changed from present perfect to present tense).

    I believe the first one is more accurate; the second choice, if translated to english, would be "Since when have you been reading?"

    It is the same idea, which makes it a valid translation; but with differenty words.

  2. Even though your teacher didn't pick a very good verb for this, since it is ambiguous, just follow the example given.

    a. ¿Cuánto tiempo hace que Ud. lee?

    b. ¿Desde cuándo lee Ud.?

    ¿desde cuándo? = since when?

    Cámbiese la forma del verbo en letra cursiva, empleando las sujetos indicados. = Change the form of the verb in italics, using the subjects given.

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