
Sparklers and bottles of bubbles?

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Does anyone know of a good source for purchasing bubbles in mini champagne bottles, and also indoor sparklers - both for a wedding? I have found a number of sites online, but prices vary enormously with postage VAT etc. If anyone can help, I would be extremely grateful.




  1. Try   their bubbles are very cute and cheap! Good Luck!

  2. We bought our champagne bottle of bubbles from Tesco supermarket and bought 2 boxes for less then £10.

    Check with the venue about the sparklers, if you haven`t done so already as some have rules about naked flames etc.  Ask the venue if they can supply them, or if they know of someone who can.  Most places will already have used them if they are allowed, and might know where the bride bought them from.

  3. I just bought my wedding bubbles on ebay and saved loads of money. They are just mini wedding bubbles in little bottles, not champagne bottles. But I have seen the ones you are talking about also on ebay. To give you an idea of the money I saved:

    A local party supply sore quoted me $2 per bottle. I needed 90 of them, thats $180 right there. I purchased a box of 96 online and all up including postage, I ended up paying $37.60 HUGE saving huh? Heres the link:

  4. Wait until the wedding things go on sale at Hobby Lobby. They will be half price and you can get all the bubbles you want at a good price. (If they are low in stock, you can get a rain check and they'll order them for you. Takes about 1 week to get your order shipped to the store.) You can also find sales at Michaels Art and Craft stores and Joann's Arts and Craft stores. Or try Oriental Trading Company. We've even found bubbles at the Dollar Tree.

  5. This is where we got ours from:


  6. I too live in the uk, i got mine from a power seller on ebay, 96 bottles (shaped like wedding cakes though, but they do champagne) for £18 which I thought was very reasonable (that was including p+p) not sure about sparklers though as my 22 month old son will be there so not having anything like that!

  7. Confetti are as good as anywhere.  You can buy bubbles cheaper online but once you've paid for delivery you may as well have just gone to a shop and bought them.

  8. try or they are cheap and good quality. X

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