
Sparring Injury Question?

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Ok I take TKD, we were sparring today and I managed to kick my opponents knuckles with the part of my foot that is not covered by the instep guard. Any tips on getting the dull annoying pain when I walk on it to go away faster besides the normal icing/heating.




  1. Dit Da Jow, I use it for my minor blunt injuries (not on cuts though) even though it's really more for Iron Palm. It was made to prevent callouses and bruises, but it also helps pain and helps to remove bruises, it would  be a little difficult to find though, go into Chinatown and look for a traditional chinese medicinal apothecary. you could always order it from but it's a little pricy compared to what you could get offline, I've only been able to get mine from my martial arts teacher, who also owns an apothecary, but you might be lucky and have a traditional herbal doctor in your area.... if you cannot, frozen peas work a lot better than ice, I do not recall why but it is significantly more effective than just plain ice.

  2. ibuprofen

  3. Ice is only used to keep swelling down immediately after the injury occurs. In the days after ice should not be used only heat as this will incourage blood flow which promotes healing. An ani inflamatory pain killer such as buprofen (or arnica for a natural substitute) can be used

  4. Tiger Balm, Monkey Balm, any of these type of ointment would be good. They are used by Kick-boxers, Kun Khmer fighters, MT, etc.

    They really bust themselves up in training and fighting.

  5. I advise you to see immediately a doctor..

    OK... boy...

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