
Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson?

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Can someone give me the Who, What, Where, When, and Why of the book? What is Melinda's last name? Who are the main characters? etc...and also, i know there is a scene where Andy Evans comes in and gets mad at her...can someone explain that and give me the five Ws? thanks sooo much...




  1. Why can't you read it yourself? No offense but this sounds more like homework than anything else. Read the book.  

  2. Yeah, It is a really good book that I bet you would enjoy. Plus there are website dedicated to giving that info...

  3. That's a good book. I'll answer only some of your questions. You should really read it though. But if you really don't want to read it, you can look it up like on wikipedia or something.

    Scene---Andy Evans finds her in her hiding spot and attacks her. He tells her that she needs to stop spreading lies about him raping her (even though he really did). He says she wanted it and that he knows she wants it from him again. So then he tries to attack her but she defends herself with a peice of glass. Then some people (lacrosse team?) comes and helps her out. But by then he is backed in the corner crying.

    Melinda's last name is Sordino

    Mmmm...main characters would include Melinda, Andy, Rachel, Mr. Freeman, David, Heather, etc. (I read the book like twice but don't remember every person)

    But please, please read it. It's really good.

  4. Name: Melinda Sordino

    Main characters: Melinda, Heather, Andy Evans, Mr. Freeman

    Andy Evans gets mad at her because she told his girlfriend (her ex-bestfriend) what happened to her and he goes in her janitor closet hideout thing and tries to do it again and she takes a piece glass and holds it up to his neck. Someone hears her scream and the softball team comes and help her and Andy Evans gets in trouble.

    Who: Melinda

    What: Gets hurt

    When: All year

    Where: School

    Why: idk

  5. sounds like homework... do it your self really good book

    Who: Melinda Sardino

    What:It's about Melinda, she calls the police at a party with beer and all her friends get really mad at her, so she calms up and doesnt tell anyone that she only called the police because she was raped.

    When: Present

    Where: Anabor i think,  all i know is it is cold

    Why: idk???

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