
Speaker/sterio music 101

by  |  earlier

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Ok, I have one of those huuggee Ipods (the classic ones) and basically I have this lameoid 2 inch by 2 inch speaker for it earphones. Also, I know nothing about like, stereo systems.

(1.)Could somebody tell me what is all in a complete system (like, I know that there are these things called sub-woofers).

(2.)What the price ranges would be (I'd like to know about how much the more expensive ones are, and how much the cheaper ones are)

(3.) Will I have to buy all the little speakers separately, like not be able to buy them In one package?

(4.)Where is the best place to buy them?




  1. if you want to be able to hear your music on your ipod loud in your house or so every one can hear it i am supposing with ipod attachments they are expensive and still very small and portable best bet is to get a home stereo system that is ipod or mp3 player compatable and talk to the sales man as to what you will need to connect it to your system try best buy if you have one close buy if not you can look there number up online and just call a random store and speak to some one in stereo department they should be able to answer any questions

  2. if you want to play it in your house i would just get a nice radeo with an aux in put like there is nice sony one at target for 200 bucks it has 4 5'1/4 in 2 way speackers with  8 inch sub and if you want it in your car get radeo with full speed usb port

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