
Speakers placment: tilted or level?

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I am setting up my surround sound system in my new apt. Now that i have more space I am following something similar to this diagram

I need to mount the back speakers on the wall, my question is should i have them level or should i have them tiliting down towards the couch? The speakers are roughly 4-5 feet higher than the couch.




  1. Aim them down and towards the centre. It would definitely be much better if you could get them at ear level.

    You may need a lot of trial and error to get them sounding just right. The delay between front and back speakers will be crucial, as if you don't get it right it will sound echoey.

    Good luck

  2. Your surround speakers should be mounted near ear level or a few feet above ear level. If they are it is not necessary to tilt them.

  3. Down towards the where ever the main seat in the place is. Firing straight can throw off the time it takes the sound to get to your ear and can make it sound funny and bounce weird. Firing straight to you ensures you get the sound your supposed to. I personally wouldnt mount them that high anyway. Leaves too much room for sound loss.

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