
Speaking of McCain/ Hilton,what would the pros and cons of Paris Hilton entering politics?

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Speaking of McCain/ Hilton,what would the pros and cons of Paris Hilton entering politics?




  1. the idea that the media is even talking about this stupid issue as well as americans just shows the real direction this country is h**l in a handbasket....since when did we stop reprting on real issues like our slide into another depression.....but hey if you keep people blinded by stupid news storys,then when,not if,but when this nation falls.......well we can say we were miss guided......

  2. She would take some of the younger votes away from Obama-PRO...

    She is so self absorbed and too short sighted to safely or effectively run our country-CON

    When you weigh those two possibilities, the pro FAR outweighs the con.  

  3. obviously she would not stand a chance of winning any office.  she could take some young people votes though.  she is a nice girl or a hot girl if you like, and i think that some people could vote for her.

  4. She most likley stands a better chance at V.P than Clinton

  5. Well right off if she was just to get elected and sit there doing nothing she would a a thousand times better than Bush!

  6. Not even Paris Hilton thinks she could win.... this is all in fun.....

    "pros and Cons"......You have seen the "Simple Life"......are you seriously thinking of putting her in the White House

    Her energy program is better than Obama's .....but that is not enough to get her elected

  7. Paris Hilton is not as stupid as everyone thinks. She plays it off as a big joke and is probably totally amused that most people think she is just a blonde bimbo.

  8. She would be better than gwb, and the con is that she would be better than a standing president that served two terms!

  9. Is she rich enough to buy the election? It's all about money now days.

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