
Speaking of parents. . .?

by  |  earlier

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I was wondering when you are involved with a man do you inform you baby's father that another man is around his child on a regular basis? Do you feel your baby's father still has a right to be involved in your child's life?

And for the single dads: would you feel that a man has to earn your respect to be around you child and raise him? And if he didn't would you have a problem with it?

And if you're not a single mother or parent let's say hypothetically.




  1. I'm a single mom.  It would take a LOT for me to introduce my son to a boyfriend.  I mean, like I would have to think that there was a possibility of a really long term comittment, not just a 'casual dating' scenario or someone I've just been dating for a few months, etc.

    My son's father always will have a right to be involved in his son's life... But it's up to him to use those rights.  At this time, my son's father hasn't seen Johnny in almost 2 months.  But that's no one's fault but his own, he has visitation rights but he never shows up for them.

  2. babys real dad will always have the right to be in the childs life ..and you have no right to drag home men to play daddy ..keep your s*x life to yourself and out of your kids life.

  3. The only time a boyfriend of mine was around my kids was when he was long term.  They only met one of my boyfriends, he is now their stepdaddy.  My ex could object as much as he wants to about the man who is around the kids (he doesn't as he realizes that this man is a MUCH better father then he ever was, those are his own words) but his objections would fall on deaf ears.  He controlled my life for over 9 years, why in the h**l would I allow him to continue doing so.  He has no say in my choice of partner.  If I were somehow a rotten parent then I would have to listen to him at least a little bit, but that isn't the case.

  4. Why even let any man around your child until and unless you know you are committed in a serious relationship with him?  I understand that a single parent would like to have a romantic/social life, but I think it should be kept completely out of sight of the child until it is serious enough to be more than just "a date".  Why confuse the child with introducing him to every date?

  5. When my son was two weeks old, his Mother left us and has wanted nothing to do with either of us ever since. She is a drug addict and a selfish woman - for these reasons, I wouldn't let her see my son even if she wanted to. My fiance has been a Mother figure to my son ever since he can remember, since he was a few months old. I did inform my ex that she would be looking after him but she didn't really care.

    I think if I was in that situation, the other man would have to do a lot of convincing. I couldn't let another man near my children unless I had their respect and trusted them, I would certainly have a problem with it. I think in any situation, the Dad should be allowed to see his children but only if he is fit to be a Father.

    Being a single Dad, it took me a while until I fully trusted my fiance (girlfriend then) with my son. You can never be too careful.

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