
Speaking of superheroes...?

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Now to that person....pick a super hero name for them and a super hero power. How would they be beneficial to humanity?

We can throw in some villians as well :D

First person to answer has me. Let's play ;)




  1. Dykeman......

    Superpower:  She has the ability to clear a strip joint just by getting on stage.

  2. Edit

    Know it all can be "Know it All" and his power will be reading MINDS and exposing the hypocritical thoughts of feminists.

  3. You're already a villian/superhero!! lol.

    Let's see....You're name would be The Wild Bimbo. Your superpower would be the ability to gain super strength, speed, and charisma :P.   You would benefit society by inviting all super villians to your house to party, then when you are drunk enough, you kick their asses with your incredible bosom LOL :P

  4. edit

    Johno would be Bear-Man. He'd wear a costume made out of real bearskin and would break down the doors to feminist clubhouses and fight them with his bear-strength. :)

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    Mudkip would be "Telegirl".  

    She can teleport anywhere in the world whenever she feels like it..... she also has telepathy, psychokenisis, and other weird telekenetic powers..... like shooting purple psychic lightening out of her hands whenever she wants.... that'd be sweet.

  6. Aquawoman

    She can drown villains with her aquatic power.

  7. Mike T is the Great Witinator. He controls people with his incredible wit. By saying something witty, all who listen will begin to laugh uncontrolably permitting him to do what needs done.

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    La Bell would be "Napalm" she can manipulate fire to her advantage and that of humanity, put out forest fires etc..

    *Do you like your character La Belle?

  9. Or the "Picture Man"... his camera immobilizes villians.

  10. Dust Bunny Villian - "Easy on the eyes, HARD on the grime!"

    Dust Bunny Villian attacks, no wait, PREYS upon the evils of every day messes and lurking dust bunnies. The Dust Bunny Villian slaughters spilled milk. She uses her accomplice, Dark Lord of the broom closet, Senior Vacuum, to assist her in those tough to reach spots.

    Dust Bunny Villian does it all. She's a mean, lean, cleaning machine.

    ***hehehe...I only went that direction because your avatar is holding a feather duster.

  11. Edit

    Rubberband Man

    He can stretch his extremities to any length, and reach across oceans to grab people or a cup of coffee.

  12. Edit.

    Gun Fanatic can be the uber-powered Marv from SinCity. Power... Tolerance for "their" BS.

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