
Speaking to people in Cuba?

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I am emailing a girl I met on a site and would like to get to know her better and SEE her on cam.But she say's that there is no MSN etc in Cuba and I only chat with her in cafes there as she doesnt own a computer.My question is, is she telling the truth or am I being conned as she "wants" money for a passport etc.I'm feeling very uneasy about this as I have been conned before online.Has anyone any answers or views?? Thanks




  1. Probably true about the internet cafe; as in most poorer countries; not many people have their own PC. Becoming very common for people from poorer countries to use the internet to ask for money.

  2. The Cubans are very poor people who just can't afford computers for personal use, why would you think she wants money out of you just because she communicates with you via a computer, the Cubans are good honest people.

  3. As she says, most Cubans do not have computers or internet access at home. (Though it is not illegal to have a computer, it is difficult for a Cuban to get legal internet access unless through a job.) The internet cafes that are available for Cubans have restrictions on what they can do. They - and some internet access is offices - try to block instant messaging programmes. (I use Windows Live Messenger - I can generally connect and send messages, but rarely can actually get the cameras to work. I don't know if there is something blocking that, or if it is just the slow connection).

    Has she asked you for money for a passport ?

    It is not true that only party members can get passports - any Cuban can get one, if they pay the fee. The problem is that most Cubans have little disposable cash, and cannot afford the cost of the passport (~ $60, I think).

  4. There is Yahoo messenger however  very few Cubans have access to a pc.  Internet cafes may not have web cams and even then  she may only have a few minutes for chatting.

  5. Sounds like a con to me. Sounds like a con to you also or you wouldn't be asking this question.

  6. I think you've answered your own question

  7. Very few Cubans have a computer and almost none has an

    internet connection , so they go to an internet café where they

    can buy access to an  INTRAnet where they can only send email , no webcams no full internet access. The real internet is only available in the tourist hotels and a few limited places like the Capitolio. Note that full internet access cost 6 cuc (7-8 $ ) for one hour !!! and the average salary is 20-25 $.

    Several Cuban youngsters are desperate to leave the country, but it doesn't work that way , if she / he is asking for money for a passport its probaly a scam, because before they can get a passport they need an official invitation document from a Cuban notary ( cost 140 cuc= 150$) .In this document the foreigner whom invites the Cuban citizen states that he agrees to thake full responsablity for the Cuban and will pay all expences made by and for the Cuban (housing , food, medicare, insurance etc.) If you do not know the person very well you sign a blank cheque. Think twice !


  8. It's true. Not everyone can afford a computer and most do go to the internet cafes to use the computers there. Unless you have a job that permits you to be on the computer all the time, it is not always that easy and efficient to communicate via email. The only time I was able to go back and forth with a friend in Cuba via email was when they were at their desk job and having full access to internet (specifically for their work). I am in touch with friends in Cuba and it is not always easy for them to use email as it is expensive and internet dial-up can be slow at times too. And it can take them awhile at times to reply to's not entirely their fault.

    She is telling the truth about the internet and you may not be able to see her on CAM as a webcam most likely is not available at the cafe.

    She is not conning you. And she isn't asking you for money for a passport. It doesn't work that way. No need to be uneasy. Your friend is being honest with you and I can guarantee she wishes she was able to be online more.

  9. She might be telling the truth. Almost everyone in Cuba is poor so she probably doesnt have computer. Maybe they dont have MSN. Maybe she does want money for a passport. Why dont you just talk to girls that live in your country? Why do you want to see her so bad? You dont even know her.

  10. The only way a Cuban would get a passport is if they were a trusted member of the Party. Most Cubans leave Cuba at night on a perilous journey on a raft. If she were a high up Party member, I would expect her to be provided with a passport as any travel would be on official business.

  11. Don't fall for it she is trying to con you

  12. We visited Cuba a few year ago and found that most Cuban love to talk to you to practice their English (as well as try and sell you cheap cigars etc).

    It is a very poor country with an average monthly income of something ridiculous like $20. I can very easily believe that this girl doesn't have a computer as they would cost year worth of salary.

    That doesn't mean that she isn't trying to con you; use your common sense and be careful.

  13. I chat every week with friends fom Havana, Camaguey and Santiago de Cuba. They ALL have cams on their computers. The cams are a bit slow sometimes but it works fine.

    Btw: We chat on the yahoo messenger.

    If she wants money send her 2$ then sh can go into an internetcafe and chat for at least 15 minutes. Let her proof she's real and it's not just a guy who uses her pics.

  14. Ok, well for one you're lucky she is emailing you. She has obviously found a way to write you which is awesome. Bc as everyone is saying most, if not all, cubans do not have computers. Plus it is illegal for them to have personal computers, and I'm not too sure on this, but its probably illegal for them to use it also. They make between 6 to 20 dollars a month. I have kept in touch w a friend in cuba, and I had the same doubts as you (except I met him while doing some music studying) and I just told him straight out "please do not be offended, but I hope your words are not  lies for you to get here, because I cannot do that". He was not offended, and he still talks to me as much as he can. Yes, people are desperate there, everyone is poor. But not everyone is trying to conn people for passports. I think some of them just feel a little blah about life and having a little fling w a foreigner makes it a little more interesting. I mean they don't have the money like us to go out to bars, clubs, dinner or any of that fun stuff we take for granted. I mean its like saying ALL americans are ignorant. Its stero typing. So I would say, just tell her how you really feel. And go by how you feel. But don't expect a monogomous relationship. No offense to cubans, but they're LOVERS and they couldn't stay in a monogomous relatioship if their life depended on it haha. Maybe some can, but most can't. But do be cautious with this cubana. I mean, you met her on a site. Don't fall for the love letters or the sweet words. They say them to everyone. The only way you'll know is if you spend time w her.


    You know what they say before you go to cuba?


    Haha, and its so true but so hard, when their first words to you are how beautiful and I loooove yooou.

    And also, my friend said they're having severe electricity blockouts lately. So the internet connection is almost impossible.

  15. It is possible that there is no MSN in cuba because it is a communist country so they will probably be limited to what sites they can access and because the USA hates them and as MSN is an american program they may not allow the cubans to have access to it.

    However if she is asking for money for a passport then she probably is conning you.  I'f i was you i'd just so that you can't help, if she then disappears then you know it was an attempted if not then maybe it is just a normal person.

  16. She could be telling the truth... but if she starts asking for money... dump her.

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