
Special Education Teachers- is there software to help college kids better who have LD??

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i HAVE had Learning disabilites all my life which has been a life struggle i've herd there is software out to better explain school working etc to us with learning disabilities HELP!~!!!1




  1. I perfect software to help disability, I guess it is hard to find. It really depends on which area of disabilities. If it is language,

    learning phonics could help but it still takes time.

    You could visit the below blog to see if it gives you some info to help.

  2. If you have a documented disability your college's Office of Student Support or the Dean of Student Affairs should provide resources such as tutoring and accommodations to assist you while in school. If you do not have a documented disability, I recommend you get tested and show the results to the people I mentioned above so you will get all of the resources you need should it prove you are include, but not limited to (possibly) getting software, having a test read aloud to you if necessary or extended time while taking exams.

    Utilize all your to your professors about your situation, advisors, and most of all the student support office. Help should be available at your college - don't continue to struggle.

    Good luck to you!

  3. I do not know about software, but there is a program that could help you to be more successful in your learning.

    People just like you, who have always struggled with learning are finding their learning "abilities" with this program.

    A learning disability can reveal a learning ability. Here's how:

    Picture thinkers (aka non-verbal thinkers or visual-spatial learners) are the ones who end up with the learning disability label. (It seems like a new label pops up every day.) There are countless labels for what is really a learning style-picture thinker.

    Picture thinkers do not necessarily learn with word methods. Most teachers teach using word methods because it is assumed that everyone can learn with these methods. When students experience failure, they get the learning disabled label.

    Picture thinkers are at least average in intelligence and many are above average.

    Why do I say the learning disability can reveal a learning ability? Here are some of the gifted and talented who are picture thinkers who have the label of dyslexia:

    Thomas Edison

    Albert Einstein

    Whoopi Goldberg

    Jay Leno

    Keanu Reeves

    Kiera Knightley

    Robin Williams

    Leonardo da Vinci

    Tommy Hilfiger

    Pablo Picasso

    Muhammad Ali

    Magic Johnson

    Henry Ford

    William Hewlett, Co-Founder, Hewlett-Packard

    Walt Disney

    Visit to learn more. If you read The Gift of Dyslexia or The Gift of Learning by Ron Davis you will learn about the strategies picture thinkers use to get success in learning.

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