
Special Education jobs available?

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I am thinking about going into the Special Education job field. I have a Bachelor's from Purdue in Psychology and will be getting my licensure from Indiana U. I want to do this because it seems like a enriching job. The only problem is, is this a job field that I can find a teaching job in rather easily. I feel that there are alot of misconceptions in the job market and I do not want to go into a field that is saturated.




  1. I can tell you that Michigan is hiring.

  2. Oh no, there is a need- just saw 3K sign on in my district (AZ)in the newspaper yesterday- BUT I also saw postings for psychologists who make more $$ 55-75K double starting salary of a MA teacher!

  3. In my county there are still special education positions that have never been filled. These mostly occur in Emotional/Behavior Disordered classrooms and autism. However, you will never have a problem getting a job in any special education classification.

    You must have a love for children to teach special education because often it is very trying. It is enriching, but the thing you need to understand is that it is the love of children that makes it bearable.

  4. Most states are hiring for Special Education teachers, usually because in general teacher quit the first 5 years of their career. Minnesota has always been hiring special education majors with an elementary or early childhood degree. There's still a lot of openings in many school districts in the twin cities.

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