
Special Education - special needs only, why these other questions?

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Please direct your questions to the proper section. Special Education is ONLY for questions about students with special needs (autism, mental retardation, deafness, Attention Deficit Disorder, etc). This section is NOT for questions about higher learning opportunities - you must go the the Higher Education section for that.




  1. Yahoo answers is available to all people from different countries and different backgrounds.

    I agree with you and having people ask "how can I get a mechanical engineering certification?" I ignore those type of people now.

    I know that some people quickly look and say "wow ... I need someone to answer my question and it's a special education certificate that I need" when it's not a question about someone who is special needs.

    Do what I do, ignore them. they don't know any better.

  2. Perhaps the subject should be better labelled.  For many people using Answers, English is not their first language.  Also, if people have not had any experience with special needs groups, they really don't 'get' it at all.

  3. People just don't get it.  The stupid level has been rising at an alarming rate, and no matter how much you rant and rave about it the numnuts are going to keep doing what they've been doing all along.

  4. It happens because Yahoo automatically suggests a categoty-it seems to dump anything with the word special here as well as other keywords that don't fit automatically in other categories-it is Yahoos fault for letting Special Ed to be a wasteland for anything their software can't categorize

    and then people are too lazy to read teh suggested category and click a few buttons to get it inthe right category

  5. Gobonzzo,  the country is getting so stupid because of NCLB.

  6. OK, good to know.

  7. I realize some people just don't know any better but it is frustrating to come here looking for questions related to special education and instead finding questions about dating and people looking for job opportunities.

    I have a child with a learning disability and I was excited when I saw they had a section for this...until i came in and saw that it really does me NO good.

    everyone should STAR this question so it will really be seen.

  8. Like others have expressed, I was elated to find YA's section for Special Education. I've not been here very long but have already bookmarked so many questions & answers. You see, I not only come from a family of Special Education teachers & administrators, but I am also a concerned parent.

    About these off-topic questions, the recent engineering ones in particular- I've heard of "Specialized Engineering". Perhaps that is one reason why questions were placed here incorrectly. Someone could have just quickly scanned the topics & mistook this to be an area for people studying those specialties or pursuing degrees/careers in such.  

    Maybe the powers that be at YA will create an area for something geared toward them, if they haven't already. Perhaps they will label topics more specifically, as bethikinz suggested..or place a text description below each topic. They could also create a section for Special Education (& more) careers.

    As for the other offbeat questions, yes, I wholly agree with "luvmy4boyz32"... This question should be starred!

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