
Special abilities: Seeing the Unseen?

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I have a few questions about the gift of Seeing the Unseen/Clairvoyance (I believe it is called Clairvoyance but am not sure of the proper name for this gift) any way its the gift of seeing spirits/energy.

1. How common is it for some one to have this gift?

2. What are the theories about the origin of this gift?

3. Do you have this gift? if you do not mind please share your experiences. I would love to hear them.

4. What reason do you believe that you were given this gift?

Please Answer respectfully Thank you.




  1. Well, as a paranormal phenomenon it's probably rubbish.

    As for seeing things others can't, its a matter of perception, some people have tetrachromic vision (the ability to see subtle colour differences that most people can't), Tetrachromes can often see ten colours in a rainbow as opposed to seven.

    We tend to think of our senses as being limited to five different entities. However, it's possibly closer to 10 (you can be colour blind, but still have perfect 20/20 vision) or have an inability to taste certain flavours or hyper sensitivity to others. So there is the posibility some people can detect things others can't but as for something magical, I don't think so.

  2. Well the meaning of clairvoyance is: The gathering of information physically through  the senses.

    There are various types of "psychic's"  for seeing spirits, and energy.

    There are Empath's/Channeler's/Mediums/Shamen/Psyc... in general  I guess I would need to know a little bit more about the information that you are seeking to give you a straight answer.

    1) How common is this gift? Actually it is very common You may have it yourself and not know it or not believe it, many people are "blind" to their gift, or "blind" to others gifts.

    2) What are my theories about the origin of this gift?

    Well most people are born with the gift, but do not develop the "sight" until later in life. Others gain the "gifts" by having a near death experience.

    3) Do I have this gift? Actually yes I do, and yes many call me crazy.

    Some of my experiences with this gift.

    Well I didn't actually get my "sight" until about 8 years ago, and it just happened out of the blue. I was staying at my parents house, and I saw my first spirit, it was freaky. I got conformation the next day when i went to the neighbor's house and found out that his dad passed away in the house, and was shown a picture of the man , and turned pale, because that was the same man that I had seen the night before.

    Now I am a paranormal investigator and my "gift" has become a great tool in helping to find the answers to the paranormal. The great thing is that I now have proof of things that I see and hear, either by EVP's, Pictures, Video... Call me crazy call me a freak it makes no difference to me you feel one way I feel another.

    4) I believe the reason that I was given this gift was to help others, and for no other purpose than that.

    I actually have a lot of "gifts" that have to do with the paranormal, as well as psychic things. The gifts are given to help others and are not to be used for personal gain. Although others have a tendency to believe differently.

    I hope this answers some of your questions.

  3. I personally am not clairvoyant, but I have had somethings that happened to me that I cannot explain.

    Last Friday , on my way home riding my bike around 12:45 AM, I had a thought that I should take an alternate route home. I did and about 30 seconds later Iheard a cars tires screeching on the road where I usually take home.

    What was that? Was it my gaurdian Angel, or was it something more supernatural?

  4. never met anyone with this but maybe someone is out there nor can i do it

  5. Clairvoyants are people that crave attention or your money.

    And the rest just have a mild form of schizophrenia.

  6. There is no sencus count about people with this gift.

    Simple, parts of the brain that most people don't use.

    No, sorry. I don't have this one.

  7. The gift is more common than one could know.

    It is simply described as the "knowing" by those who helped my with my sight.

    Once one is aware that the knowing lives in them they must walk a close walk with God for those with the knowing are easy prey for the master of deception, Satan.

  8. I believe clairvoyance is the ability to see the future. Not so much to see spirits and energy as you stated. If their is an ability to see spirits and energy I would not know what that is called. For how common I personally believe it would be, is very common i think that anyone is able to see such things that truly is looking. As for the theories about the origin, I would say that for ages people have felt there was more to life then what we have before us. and that theory would be life after death. I don't have clairvoyance but i have seen spirits. I post information as well as stories and experiences on my 360 blog, your welcome to check it out. As for the last question, like I said before i think everyone has this ability.

  9. 1. How common is it for some one to have this gift?

    Not very,there are only a select few

    2. What are the theories about the origin of this gift?

    Remember,there is no way to explain what people with supernatural abilities do/see,so you really can't explain where it came from

    3. Do you have this gift? if you do not mind please share your experiences. I would love to hear them.

    It runs in my family,I have had some dreams.

    4. What reason do you believe that you were given this gift?

    I was chosen by someone of a higher power.

  10. I think we all are intuitive --women's intuition, trust yer guts, etc.

    yes.  don't feel comfortable sharing for some reason sorry

    it's just fun.  I don't know.

  11. I have a gift where I can sense and see ghosts.  It's something that some children have.  I think it started when the first person died and he went to see a friend.  I believe it because I can feel and see tehm.  

    An experiance:

    One day, I was sleeping.  I woke up to see a human figure in my room.  I freaked out and closed my eyes.  It even tried to talk to me but I made sure I couldn't hear it.

  12. 1. some people have this gift and is normal

    2.thousand years

    3.what about?

    4.somebody told me that is a gift  of god

    greeting if you want know more about  see this page

  13. Hello AngelGirl, no-one has this gift, unfortunately (except in fictional books and TV programs).


  14. actually most people have one form or another of ESP, Clairvoyance (clear seeing is what the term actually means) or the like. Some are more in tune with it on a subconscious level and others seem more apt to be able to willfully use it.

    It's important to know though that it is very 'iffy' at best.

    However, it is not a 'gift' given to anyone. All people certainly have the capability and whether or not they develop it is a matter of personal choice.

  15. I can't say i have a gift but, several years ago I was driving home in the dark when there was a car coming towards me on the other side of the road, a little way in front of the car i could see a pair of legs running backwards and forwards across the road until the car coming towards me drove thru it. It was a place where fatal accidents happen alot.

    A couple of years ago I was visiting my grandmother with a new remote control that I had got her as the number had rubbed off her old one and she couldn't use it. I was kneeling on the floor showing her how to use the new one when I saw the spirit of my grandfather walk past behind me. He had never lived there as she was by then in a warden assisted flat, I'm pretty sure he was hanging around waiting for her. A couple of other strange things have happened also. If you have a open mind then you can see anything. If you are interested it getting into it then you should start by reading books on the subject, Mia Dolan & Gordon smith are some good ones, you can also look at this has a free e-book and audio downloads to get you started on deep meditation, I recently got it although haven't done much yet as I'm lazy. Hope this helps.

  16. hi,AG,

    it is not so common to have this  psycho energetic perception

    as a natural gift,however that does not mean any one can develop this gift

    i have no theories whatsoever about the origin of this gift

    i don't know if i have this gift,and if you don't mind i can not share with you what i have experience

    as for the reason of this gift ,i really don't know

  17. > 1. How common is it for some one to have this gift?

    Does not exist in a reliable form.

    > 2. What are the theories about the origin of this gift?

    There aren't any.  No gift = no explanation required.

    > 3. Do you have this gift? if you do not mind please share your experiences. I would love to hear them.

    No.  Neither do you.

    > 4. What reason do you believe that you were given this gift?

    Same reason I believe Santa's going to bring me something this year.

  18. 1. The Spirit world is a large area just out of perception of most people, but many people have some sort of perception into this realm in many different ways. But this gift is not common to this extreem, most see floaters in the corner of there eye and dismiss it. Also depending on what people claim they see, may be described as a mental illness so most people wont talk about if they can see it.

    2. All gifts, or abilites are give by God each to a specific purpose of his plan, shame we dont know what that is most of the time LOL.

    3. Nope other then as mentioned above I have seen things out the corner of my eye or in the shadows at night, but nothing more than that.

    4. refer to answer 2.

  19. 1. It is very common for people to claim they have this gift, but to date, not a single person has been able to demonstrate that they actually have any special ability.

    2. There are no theories. Clairvoyance is about as far removed from science as can be. People have ideas, I'm sure, but there are no theories.

    3. No, I don't. I've never met anyone who did.

    4. Not applicable.

  20. hey  could tell me what my future may hold

  21. Here is some info on psychic abilities which I've found to be very accurate

    Also, when you take into consideration the electromagnetic spectrum and see how much we really DON'T see with the human eye you might see how such things are possible.

    The part we see is that itty bitty rainbow line on the scale.

    The same theory holds true for clairaudent (psychic hearing) people they are more sensitive to ultrasonic sounds.

  22. 1.anyone can have it

    2.just meditation and subconscious mind

    3.yes I see people from the beyond all the time

    4. cause I can help people A.cross over B. Learn more about the other demncions of earth

  23. Well not everyone has it. I really don't know about the origin of it. I do not have that ability, but I can sence them and receive messages from them in the way of feelings and images. It is not something I can explain easily. I feel that almost everyone has some ability. Some people are just better at using it becuase it come more natural to them than others.

  24. ok i will make a point to you...yes i can see ghosts..and people that say they are not there because they cannt see them...ill give you an know them 3d patterns and when you look at it all you see is the bright colours and the patterns. you will not see the hidden picture behind the would you say its not there...if you refocus your eyes until the picture starts to stand out..the same goes for seeing ghosts..get your self one of them 3d pattern books and see for your can train your eyes to see something that appears not to be there, just because you cannt see it...check it out and youll understand

  25. Hmm.  This is what I've learned from my experience.

    Humans use about 10% of their brains.  On average.  

    What then, constitutes the other 90%?

    Things like that.  

    Anyone can see auras, you just have to know how to look.  Anybody can move objects with their mind, you just have to know how to move energy.  I'm not saying it's easy, and I'm not saying there are many people that have figured out how to do it.  I'm not one of them. I can see auras (not very well), and I can do things with energy that are required for Wiccan rituals.  Of course, the more I learn about this stuff (Actually, I don't know much at all compared to how much there is to know), the more I will be able to do.

    So what I'm saying is, it's not a gift at all.   For some people, those parts of the brain are just much easier to access (so I guess in that sense, it is sort of a gift).  

    Here's an example.  It took me a very long time to learn how to bleed off energy.  My boyfriend and I taught my sister to draw energy and then bleed it off one night, and she was good at it right away.  So I guess it's the same as: Some people are very intelligent, yet they can not understand Trigonometry to save their lives.  One of such people may excel at Algebra, however.  So I guess a better word would be 'talent,' not gift, since everyone's brain is capable of it.

    Now, I wasn't entirely sure of what you were talking about when you said Clairvoyance.  You may be talking about abilities that I'm not familiar with, but when you're talking about 'Seeing' things, I'm pretty sure that's almost always the case.

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