
Special ed diploma 4years in high school and end up at home with my mom?

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Special ed diploma. 4years in high school and end up at home with my mom.I spent all most all my life in special ed i never wanted to drop out of school but when i graduated from school i found out i could not use my Special ed diploma to goto school.i felt like i wasted a lot of time in school for what just to end up at home with my mom and dad with no job this is what will happen to special ed kids when they get out of school its not worth it.




  1. I suggest that you can find a rewarding job which will allow you to enhance your self esteem and to feel a sense of personal empowerment.

    All of us don't need to graduate from college in order to be successful or happy.

    And, you can find a job.  Employers will jump at the chance to hire someone who is willing to work hard and to be a positive influence in the workplace.  Yes, maybe you cannot currently aspire to become the CEO or the shift supervisor.  But, you can aspire to be an honest and ambitious contributor to the corporate goal sets.

    Then, after you have established your ability in the workplace, you can think about going back to school part time to earn the diploma you seek.  And, if you display the right qualities at work, your employer will pay for your educational aspirations.

  2. You seem to be a good thinker and you will use that to get further education. You now know how to read and use a computer. You can do anything and everything. If you go to.........http://www.gedon will do your GED online for free and get a real high school diploma. Then you take that to the college and get in there too. Tell us when you graduate.

  3. it is worth it you can go to a community college and take what interest you it may not be easy but you can do it

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