
Special education proof of proving that someone was in special education.?

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Is there anything on a high school transcript that proves that someone was in special education? If not what kind of document proves that someone was in special ed?




  1. why would you need to prove you were in special ed, the state should have a record

  2. No, nothing shows on the transcript except the classes you took and the grades you made.

    Exceptional needs records are kept until a former student turns 25. You would need a copy of the last evaluation and the last IEP would be good to have because students do not always get a complete reevaluation during high school.

    If a special ed student plans to continue to college, it is a good idea to have a complete evaluation the senior year. Some colleges will allow some accommodations with such proof.

  3. I just want to clarify what jdeekdee wrote...just because someine is in special education in high school does NOT mean that they will only receive a certificate of attendance. If the student completes all graduation requirements like any other college prep or tech prep student does (which IS possible, depending on severity of the disability) then he or she WILL graduate with a regular high school diploma.

    That being said, a high school diploma will probably not say anything about special ed and a transcript might not either, unless the student was in special ed resource classes. A copy of the IEP that shows types and amounts of services is the best way to prove that someone is in special ed. It will also show the types of modifications and accommodations that were used in school so that some of the same things can be provided in college (if that is your goal).

  4. An IEP proves it-

    there may be classes such as Resource Room that will indicate special ed, but the only thing that proves it is teh IEP

  5. I dont know if it shows on a transcript,  but i know that there is proof of it in a cumulative folder.  there is always some form on special education identification in the folder.

  6. A copy of the IEP is usually the best way to prove you were in special education if you need to prove it.

    In high school if you are having modified work.. meaning that the person is actually doing different but related work that will usually be indicated on the transcript.. otherwise if the person only has modifications and is doing all the same work and maybe has a tutorial period or something that won't be reflected on the transcript for the regular classes with accomodations.

  7. A student's file (CA-60 in Michigan) may indicated that a person received services, but it is NOT allowed to contain the person's actual IEP paperwork.  It is illegal to keep a student's IEP plan in a CA-60.  It is considered a violation of privacy because others (such as employers) can access these records and an IEP is confidential information.  The only way you could access a document that proves someone was in special education is if you got their permission first.

  8. Save all of your paperwork from your annual committee meetings and what creates the IEP.  

    Students outside of special education guaranteed do not have to have this paperwork for their public education.

    The presence of all of this paperwork explicitly means that somebody (you?) were enrolled in special education services.

  9. A student who is in special ed gets a 'certificate of attendance' or soemthing like that, they dont' get an actual high school diploma.

    LOTS of parents and students don't know this and are very furious because schools don't tell them.

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