
Special educational needs help?

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My son is in the special unit within a mainstream school, he has progressed really well since starting there in september. he is reaching his targets which is great but now they are talking about taking his placement away. the only reason he is doing well is beause he it getting the extra help that he needs. how can i stop the lea from taking his placement away. this is really stressing me out, coping is hard without this please HELP. Thank you




  1. Get in touch with your local Parent Partnership, their number will be in your local telephone book. They are very helpful and knowledgeable on all matters concerning special needs children and education. They will get a full history of your son from the school and from you. They will attend meetings with you and help you write letters. Most of all if they think your son is being unfairly treated they will fight your cause for you and be on your side. Good luck.

  2. OK, you need to learn the federal special ed laws called IDEA. 'individuals with disabilties education act'

    THis law mandates a step by step process that parents and schools must follow for specila ed.

    Here are the steps that must be taken before a child is taken out of special ed

    1. Ask whoever wants to take the special ed away 'what are you going to do to ensure my child recieves a free appropriate public education.  

    Watch some eyes go wide and jaws drop. This is VERY IMPORTANT LEGAL LINGO that they will NOT ignore.

    This one question alone might stop them dead in their tracks. But if not, go on down to #2 and #3.

    2. The school has to do a FULL educational evaluation to have proof in black and white that the child no longer needs it. They can't just 'say' he no longer needs it, they have to PROVE it.

    If he doesn't pass the eval, they can't take him out.

    After this eval is done and they say he still can't be in special ed, then you write and request an IEE - independent educational evaluation.

    Parents can request this when they disagree with the eval that the school did. You do NOT have to give a reason WHY you disagree, just state in writing that you disagree.

    The school will PAY for another eval and YOU choose the dr. This way, the results won't be rigged to show he is ok and doesn't need special ed anymore (lots of schools do this)

    The eval will show the TRUE problems since a doctor not affliated with the school will do the eval.

    After this eval is done, the IEP team (you and school) will meet to discuss the results and make the decision if he needs special ed or not.

    3. Write a letter to whoever told you this and request 'prior written notice' of this decision. The IDEA law mandates that schools give this to parents when they start, stop, change or refuse anything having to do with special ed.

    (((You do not have to wait until the school does the evaluation before you ask for it. YOu an write and ask for it right now. But do it IN WRITING.)))

    They have to have LEGAL reasons for their decisions. If they DO, they won't hesistate to give you this prior written notice.

    If they DON"T Have legal reasons, they will either

    1) refuse to give it to you

    2) ignore you altogether

    If either of these happens, the next legal step is to file a formal state complaint with your state dept of education.

    The state will make them give this to you and if they in fact do NOT have a legal reason for stopping sped services, they will then 'magically' change their minds and let him stay becuase they will not want the state to know they made their decision ILLEGALLY.

    There's more to this process, if you need help email me  

    I'll be glad to help!!

  3. What I would do is to have a look and see if there is a parent partnership scheme in your area.  They can support you at meetings.  If your ring your local LEA, they will be able to tell you if you have one.

    Common sense here, he is achieving because of the help, take it away and you are setting him up to fail, use that phrase they wont like it at all.  If things get really desperate, think about getting a solictor for your son, in his own right to protect his interests.  We did this and managed to get legal aid as he was under 16 for my son, and it worked well for us, our LEA did not want the fight.

  4. Do you have any meetings planned with the educational psychologist soon? My mum was a SENCo and she found that the parents who got the most help for their child were the ones who got the most upset in front of the ed. psych. She had often tried to get a child extra help for years, and it was only after the ed. psych saw the parents in such distress that something was done. I'm not saying be over dramatic, just make sure he or she knows how you really feel - don't put on a brave face. If they know how much this help means to you and how your son really needs it he's more likely to continue to be given it.

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