
Special effects for low budget short film???? HELP?

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im working on a short film and am interested in having low fi style explosions and smoke and stuff. anyone suggest any alternate ways to create these effects. we want to actually explode some things but i dont know anything about it.

if anyone can help or point me in the right direction.

thanks loads.




  1. How about the things which are used in live theatre - e.g. thunder flash for a big bang and smoke; dry ice for smoke effect - try a theatre suppliers, maybe?

  2. Alternate ways ?

    well there are two ways to blow things up for film

    1) blow it up on camera with actors around, or

    2) blow up a model, set a small fire, or digitally make it then add it later.

    1) Sounds like you want the first which is harder to work but more theatre related many companies sell what you need from fog machines to smoke cookies, but if you want the cheap you can cut up some fireworks. Just a warning tho unless you are careful and diligent in your experiments with fireworks save yourself a hospital trip and get professional effects one website that is great for dyi is

    for buying these guys have good prices

    I suggest theatre effects for the safety of your actors.

    2) If you wanted a big explosion like a building on fire or something think of using green screens smoke machines then add in the small fire on a model or try the digital with  their studio is nice many effects can be covered with this and they have a growing community who like you are wanting realism on a shoe string budget. many of the effects can be make to your desire then added into the footage later. seeing as most people nle any way it is the cheapest way to go and the effects are as good or cheese as you want.

    hope I helped out. Good luck and don't get blown up!

  3. 1: Fill a bottle with petrol, and put a rag into it.

    2: Light rag.

    3: Throw bottle at local garage/petrol/filling station.

    4: Stand back and admire your handiwork.

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