
Special needs Maths teachers - does anyone have any specific strategies to help an 11 year old who is unable?

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to do word problems in Maths. I suspect he has dycalculia and am working with the parents to try and get him properly assessed (this is not the only problem he has with maths). However, in the meantime can anyone come up with suggestions? I have tried to find a site with actual activities on but have had no joy.




  1. Go to  they have elementary math that he can practice.   My teacher posts their math stuff for class.


  2. I would make maths relevant by having him measure your height and then his, by placing a mark on the wall, and then measure waist, arm length (from finger tip to finger tip), hand span, and then compare the difference. Other things you could do is measurement with cups, teaspoons, spoons and table spoons, kitchen scales etc. Fractions could be done with a whole apple/sandwich cut in half, then quarters and thirds, also have him note the shape they make as the are cut, you could weigh them too.

    Dave Tout has a new book out called

    Having fun with maths, Activities and games for developing maths language and skills.

    The book is fantastic and really creates an interest in maths, and the activities are really fun and interactive.

    Good luck and hope the young man develops a liking for maths, with your caring support.

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