I suspect my 3 yr old son has a very mild PDD-NOS or Aspergers . He is well above average in academic skills but low in social skills . He is verbal and has 4-5 words sentences . He has only a few signs of PDD-NOS and his behavior is like a normal 3 yr old. However the school evaluation gave him an IQ of only 80 ( almost retarded) , the language specialist said he needs a lot of speech therapy because she didn't even get two words sentence . That's because he is very shy and he doesn't answers to people he doesn't know , the same for the IQ test . I feel that they will place him with these low functioning kids that are not even in the autistic spectrum , they are Down Syndrome and other speech delayed disabilities . I feel that he will not be treated at his level there and the teacher doesn't seem to be trained in autistic disorders . I wonder if he would benefit more if I homeschool him ? does he really need to go to a special needs preschool ?