
Specific Cat breed for me?

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I am a dog person. I love'em, but I don't really have anything against other animals. I was reading about some cats and notice some are outgoing, goofy, active, fun while some are lazy, affectionate cats looking for a lap to lay in. I am a looking for the latter. I want a cat that very dignified-looking, quite independent, not a social butterfly, lazy, and is just a cuddle bug. What breed of cat should I look at? Thanks.




  1. While breeds have tendencies to certain characteristics they also vary from cat to cat.  Your best bet in getting the personality you want is to get an adult cat from a rescue that uses foster homes.  The "foster parents" will know the cats well enough to be able to match you up with the personality you want  

  2. i have a russian blue  and he is mused for hours on his own playing with a simple thing like a ping pong ball, in the morning and night he is the cutest thing an extreme cuddlebug and sleeps most of the time during the day  

  3. fishing cat


  4. Each breed is different, but cats haven't gone throught the domestication process like dogs have, so generally a cats personality is pretty much the same across the board.  You'll find that some breeds like the orientals tend to be louder, a snoeshoe tends to be the most laidback kitty around, but since you have so many requirements, I would actually adopt an older cat with a known personality.  Check out for cats that are up for adoption.

    Getting a kitten, even a purebred that is known to have the traits you are looking for, it can be hit or miss.  And, if you have your heart set on a purebred, many good breeders will have adults that are out of a breeding program or through an adoption that didn't work that will be available to you.

  5. An adult shelter cat of any breed or of no particular breed!  I have three cats adopted as adults and they're all very mellow, sweet, playful, loving cats!

  6. tiger cheetah lion jaguar.......................

    so many more


  7. Well i have a Maine Coon, shes big fat & fluffy.

    Shes very friendly, and doesn't put up much of a fuss about anything. (Even bath time.) They are very easy to train as well. I have had a lot of cats, and Maine coons are by far my favorite breed.

    Heres some more about it;;

    Hope you find the right cat!

  8. Cuddle bug and independent don't always go hand in hand. So if you want affectionate cats that are not too needy you will need to get a pair. Have a look at these breeds and see if any appeal to you: British Shorthair, Selkirk Rex, Russian Blue, Turkish Van, Ragdoll, Exotic Shorthair. If you are prepared to spend lots of time grooming then you could also consider a Persian- there are many Persian Varieties to choose from. Good Luck.

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