
Specific contacts at individual national parks?

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At individual national parks I want to contact the specific individual with knowledge of and responsibility for environmental issues. Have tried which wants to tell me what a wonderful job it is doing. BTW, also tried to find individual at Sierra Club to contact about environmental issues in national parks, the website has lots of hype and spin but I need facts and don't need to wade through multiple pitches for donations or diatribes about why we should return to the Stone Age. I'm a businessman, I deal in facts.

The issue at hand is that a client has a technology that, at $100 oil, is approaching economic feasibility to put emission-free, spill-free snowmobiles into national parks. The technology comes with the added benefits of zero impact on the ground - allows the snowmobiles to glide rather than use traction - and reduces noise by about 85-90%. I don't want to debate environmental policy nor learn why the NPS is under-funded, under-appreciated. I want facts. Thanks!




  1. Well, this may help.  Snowmobile rental and services are supplied to the public through a contractor that the National Parks system selects through a competitive bidding process.  Each park may have a different operator.  Once a contractor is selected, they have the right to operate services within the park.  There may be outside vendors that also supply services but they are usually located outside the park.  

    The services that a contractor is expected to provide are specified in a Request for Proposals (RFP).  The park services can specify details like the snowmobiles must use a particular fuel source or be no louder than a certain decibel level etc.  These are typically multi-year contracts so those that are in place will remain the same until the contracts are let out in a competitive bidding process.

    The specifications for the contracts come from the NPS, usually at the regional or national level.  Your client may bid when the contract comes up for bid.  You may wish to contact the park services to encourage them to give extra points for alternative fuel sources in the RFP process, but I think you will have a hard time penetrating the market until the contracts come up for bid.

    Alternatively, you can market the product on the open market and if they are competitive you will be able to gain market share.  Good luck.

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