
Specific heat problem here

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how much water at 30.℃ would be necessary to cool a 30. g piece of copper, specific heat .389 J/g*K, from 90℃to 30℃?




  1. I think, this is a problem in Thermochemistry.

    FORMULA: Q = mCp(T,initial - T,final)

    We can solve it this way:

    qmetal = qwater

    (m)(cp)(t,initial - t,final)  = (m)(cp)(t,initial - t,final)

    Well, there's something wrong with the statement. I dont know if the others will agree with my analysis but, if the final temperature of the mixture ( t,final of the metal and water must be in equilibrium----right guys?) is 30, and the initial temperature of the water is 30, then it means that....there is no way to calculate the mass of the water to quenched the copper metal.

    Well because, (30-30) is zero and multiplying it with another number will make it zero.

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