I have provided medical information for the baby I gave up for adoption. In light of what I've learned here, I'm thinking that the medical information may not have been thorough enough, so I'm considering expanding what she's been given access to. Although we have an open adoption, in the event anything should happen to me, I would feel more comfortable with something in writing. I respect that information is valuable to some adoptees, so that information I shall provide.
Does anyone have any advice on what you think should be included? Such as family information. What all would be helpful to know? Names, of course. Birthdates? Should I include where the family member is currently living? Would that just be the town, or should I provide a street address? Telephone number? E-mail address? How far back should I go? Please be specific.
Also, is there an especially helpful and thorough form somewhere? Or should I create something myself?
Any other topics?
Thank you~