
Spectra polaroid film on airplane?

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My spectra is already loaded with film and I'm bringing it through the check-in line at the airport. I am aware that I should have it hand checked but is that even possible if the film is already in the camera?




  1. The simple answer is yes, there will be some damage from the xrays, but from personal observation, it is not noticeable.

    I have traveled all over the world, and pre-9/11, I took every precaution, used lead-lined bags, and asked that my film be hand inspected.

    These days, it isn't worth the trouble. On one trip to Spain, in 2004, my film was x-rayed at least 7 or 8 times, with no ill effect. Photos from my trip:

    I noticed no extraneous streaking or fogging in my 120 Tri-X bw film, nor in my 35mm ektachrome film, or my 35mm print film.

    This is what I do to minimize the amount of X-Rays my film does receive.

    1. Put all your film (no boxes, no canisters)  in a large plastic clear ziplock bag. ( I like the 1 gallon size, but use 1 quart, if you don't have that much film). If I need canisters, I pack them empty in my luggage, or put them in my camera bag.

    2. When I am going through security and the x-ray machine, I pull out my film in it's clear plastic bag and put it in the bin with my shoes. The reason for this is that my camera bag and hardware almost always gets a harder look by the security people running the xray machine, meaning it gets stopped and gets much more exposure to xrays. If you put your film with your shoes, it usually goes through without stopping. If you can, put as much distance between your shoe bin and your camera bag as possible. I will throw a coat, if I am carrying one between my film and camera bag, or put my wife's shoes between  my film/shoes and camera bag. If the film is in the bin next to the camera bag, it might get as much exposure as the camera bag.

    3. Never pack your film in your checked baggage. Even the TSA warns against that, as the checked baggage x-ray machine is NOT film safe.

    If you are truly worried about excessive x-ray exposure, you can get your film processed while traveling, or ship the film home, but there are no guarantees that your shipper is not dosing their packages with x-rays as a precautionary measure.

    For you, I don't think would bother doing anything special with the Spectra . But if you are worried, you can try and run it through with your shoes. It still might get stuck in the X-ray machine to be more closely inspected, or they just might have you open it up and ask you what it is.

  2. Just as us who travel with 35mm or larger film cameras, airports have become a nightmare. The X-Ray machines WILL cause damage, some a little, some a lot.. Depends on film speed and angle of the camera as it goes thru the machine.

    Yes, have them hand check. Many want to bulk at this idea, but is your right, even if it DOES slow the line somewhat..

    The lower the film speed the less chance there is for x-ray damage, however, depending on the setting of the machine or others you may go thru, you may still see fog, rings, lines, ghost images or shadow images of things... It's not worth it, have them hand check and carry other film on your person as well..

    Bob - Tucson

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