
Speculations about a friend

by Guest63122  |  earlier

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I have a few speculations that my friend may be g*y, I want to know, cause i'm bi, is there a way I can find out without losing our friendship or him thinking i'm weird.




  1. OMG real freinds trust you and are there to listen to you if he is a real freind he wont care  trust me just say its a secret  

  2. jose is right

  3. put a move on him....thats all u can do


  4. Confide in him by telling him that you are bi-sexual. This will gain his trust. Then simply ask him if he is g*y. Why avoid the question?

  5. jose v is right

  6. Well ask him if he would like a job working with propane if he says yes hes automatically straight

  7. Does he know your bi? Be like "hey dude wanna watch some g*y p**n, it's so hot" (like in a joking tone) and see how he reacts haha, then just laugh to loose the awkwardness. I really don't know, just don't worry about it, unless you want to like hook up with him. It will come out when he is comfortable, and if he's not you don't want to offend him. He could just be really metro. Maybe go somewhere with him and check some girls out and see if he does too. I don't know

  8. just be serious. just say i don't want to offend you, but are you g*y? say i am bi so if you are it dosen't matter. if he is g*y that will be another common interest between the noth of you.

    e-mail me if you have more questions.


  9. i'd say get drunk and try something..then atleast you can kinda use that as an excuse if you get rejected..

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