
Speech Therapy?

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How can I teach my 11 yr. old daughter speech therapy and i really don't want to go to a therapist. She has trouble get words out, and she really tries so can anybody give me links, or ways to teach her Thank-You!!!!!!!!




  1. This is not the most effective way to help your child. Have her teachers mentioned to you that they think she is struggling in class? If they have but haven't done anything about it, then it is up to you to contact someone who can do an evaluation on her speech skills if you are concerned with her speech pattern and fluency. Her school should do this for her either on site or at a co-op of some sort. This is her right to be evaluated and serviced whether she is in public school, private school, or even home schooled. You just need to contact her school, and they can either give you the number for the speech therapist the school uses or refer you to someone who will be doing the evaluations over the summer since speech therapists who work at a school are generally off during the summer-they get the same scheduled time off as a teacher.

    There will be a meeting after the evaluation is completed, and she will either be enrolled and begin receiving services, or if services are denied they will clearly state why they feel that she doesn't require services.

  2. I am not trying to teach you to be therapist, but I know it is a long journey and takes your mental and financial drained.

    I don't know about your girl (autism, pdd nos, pdd, asperger, adhd, stutter, hearing problem, dyslexia, etc), as every kid is different, then it would be difficult to give you the right suggestion.

    Why do you think she needs speech therapy? I think it's better to meet a specialist who can determine which therapy suit her? Some kids will be better starting with Sensory Integration/Occupational Therapy/ABA/Speech therapy. Some will need food intervention. (I met a parent who had their son's tongue operated, as it is a source of his speech problem).

    That is why I give you the following suggestions:

    1. Buy/copy some books that is related to ur daughter

        for example: The child with special needs by Stanley I Greenspan and Serena Wieder

      followed by Speech book; sensory integration book, etc.

    They will explain and give you idea how to play with them (therapy them)

    2. Visit some websites, such as and some parents put example on how to do the therapy or make the food (for food intervention kids).

    3. If turn out your child needs food intervention, which you know by blood test to find out allergies, toxin test, etc. Or you can find out by doing food rotation.

    4. Exercise: some kids got better enchancement of speech from swimming, horse riding, hiking, or play in the playgrounds (swings, slides, etc), play sands and wet soils. It is not only playing, but you have to know the technique of playing which you can find out from sensory integration book. Watch out for 'overload', they will repeat with same patterns with higher and higher speed, giggling non stop, etc.

    The above, I got from best doctors. I spent thousands dollars every month for good input and better results.

    Yes, there are lots of therapists out there with degree. But the most important role for our child growth, is PARENT/S who care and willing to learn as they are the one who really therapy their child. Parents are the best therapist.

    These words I got from specialists, seminars, and therapists.

    So, hang in there and best of lucks. You are good mom with big heart for really trying..

  3. I'm sorry, but that's like telling you how to be a physician using a website.  Speech Therapists have such specific skills that they must get a Master's degree in order to be licensed.  There may be physiological, cognitive, or social reason for her difficulties that must be diagnosed first, and then accorded the proper treatment.  No one can teach you that, without you getting a degree in Speech Therapy yourself.  Have you talked to your school about the child's trouble?  If she's home schooled, you should be able to go to a children's hospital for an evaluation.  Some speech therapists are also licensed to work privately.  You can see them in the phone book.  Please trust this important work to a professional.

  4. If your daughter has a speech problem, your school system should be providing her with speech therapy. Don't teach her yourself. Talk to a therapist and then reinforce what the speech therapist is doing at home.
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