
Speech impediment? Trouble pronouncing words on occasion.

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Sometimes I have trouble pronouncing words properly, usually simple words I use everyday; it's not extremely common, but it happens enough to bother, and of course embarrass me. I can say the word properly in my head, and I think about what I am saying before I say it, but sometimes I just can't make myself form the word (even if I have spoken the word before.), any ideas on how to rid myself of this impediment? Or does anyone know what it may be called so I can further research it?




  1. me to but only if u think about it

  2. yeah it only happens when you think about it

  3. I wouldn't about it too much. I'm tongue-tied, and have trouble with a few words myself, but I try to get people laughing when I do s***w up. With the details you've given, I wouldn't call it a speech impediment anyway, that's more of a consistant thing. So unless you just talk too fast I don't think there is much you can do about it.

  4. I get that all the time! (example: "Forensic artist conference" I must of said "concert" ten times before I got it right!) also almost every "H" word plus words ending in "ths"... Oh as well as "board" instead of "Bird" and vice versa...I did have speech therapy when I was elementary age though! Um...I wouldn't worry too much about it really, you can look up pages on "speech impediment" or "stuttering" but I'm sure as time goes on it'll work itself out! I've only started making mistakes again recently, I think it's more a stress thing, or a sleep thing!  

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