
Speech on drunk driving

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I need a beginning for my drink driving speech that makes the audience imagine the situation. Like this "Imagine you had a sober night out and your killed by a drunk driver coming home" Longer than that though . And dramatic ..




  1. "The timeless issue: drunk driving, an offense the law sometimes seems too lenient on. Why is it that the person who just happens to be 0.081 gets the burden of an on-board breathalyzer and thousands of dollars in fines, but the person who killed someone while drunk gets 30 hours of community service and "time in the corner"? Lets look into it, and how we can bring about balance to the law, and justice to murderers who kill while intoxicated."

    You know, I could type up the whole thing for you if you want. I hate drunk drivers, especially the ones who have killed. I see it as 2nd-degree murder.

    There are a myriad of ways you can open this subject up, because it is such a confounding issue. It's the one way a person can kill another, and get away with it. There is more punishment for someone who is a tiny bit over the limit, who was only a few-hundred feet from arriving at their house, than for someone who gruesomely kills two or three people by plowing into them at 60mph while completely drunk. Why? Well, one, the one who kills someone is more likely to hire a lawyer.

  2. what's the point?  How about a positive side,  imagine avoiding a fatal accident by a drunk, stupid, or what ever reason that is really irrelavent at that point... and bring your speech to a level of focusing on driver safety regardless of the circumstances beyond the recipients control.  That's what I was taught.

  3. They seem so full of life. Their eyes reflect their dreams, their hopes, and their joy as they pose for the camera in happier times.

    They are mothers and fathers, daughters and sons, friends and neighbors, and even grandparents, obviously loved by those near and dear to them.

    But now they are gone -- their lives cut short when the crossed the path of drunk drivers. They were victims, but not the only victims. Each left behind friends and family who also suffer as victims of this crime, which is repeated thousands of times each year.

    It is a story repeated entirely too often. In the past 10 years 250,000 people have died in alcohol-related accidents. Each victim leaves behind loved ones whose lives are forever changed.

  4. Why don`t you show a picture of a family being killed by a drunk driver that should get there attention,And show why your speech is so important.

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