
Speech problem :( ??

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Hi, i'm 13 almost 14 and when I say "g" or "h" or "j" it sounds weird :(

My brother makes fun of me and some other people do too !

Its SO embarrassing, I get SO upset because I don't feel normal.

Can I fix this , like on my own ? Or could you tell me how to pronounce it ?

thanks a million.





  1. It&#039;ll fix itself.

  2. First of all, it probably seems worse to you then it really is. I&#039;m guessing your brother teases you because he knows it bothers you =). The best way to fix it is to listen carefully to someone who pronounces those letters the way you want to say them. Like someone on the news or even someone you know. Watch their mouth when they say a word with the letter you want to learn. Practice by watching yourself say it in a mirror, or record yourself saying the the words and play it back. Don&#039;t get too hung up on this tho. I&#039;m guessing you don&#039;t sound as weird as you think you do and you&#039;ll just make yourself feel bad when you don&#039;t really need to. Take care and good luck!

  3. I had a lisp for the longest time... but mine was for R and S. Turns out that the skin under my tongue was too long, so I couldn&#039;t say S&#039;s. R&#039;s were harder to learn and I went into speech therapy for years. Finally, I grew too old to take speech therapy in school. A few years later, though, it corrected itself. I still have it a touch and it apparently sounds like I have an accent (people think it&#039;s anything from a German to a Chinese accent), but it&#039;s not as bad as it was.
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