
Speed Camera Question?

by  |  earlier

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At the weekend I was parked waiting for a friend who was using the cashpoint. Directly in front of me was a speed camera I was facing it (against the direction of travel). On the opposite side of the street (the side that the speed camera would not be monitoring) a police car went by at very high speed.

I was confused because the camera flashed.

It was a directional camera - i.e. the one that takes pictures in one direction only and can be spun around periodically for the other side.

My question is why did it flash when the police car went by (on the side of the road the camera was not monitoring) and if it was facing my car - surely even though I was stationary it took a still of my number plate?

I am hoping I am wrong but I am confused!




  1. you can set it of from the opposite side of the road. you'll be on the picture but they'll know you weren't moving. it takes 2 shots

  2. At the speed that you said the police car was traveling it likely pick up his car and as for your car, I would not worry about anything happening to you, just remember the time and date that this happened...........

  3. The speed camera will usually monitor both sides of a single carriageway road, if it didn't , you would simply have to drive on the "wrong" side of the road to avoid detection.

  4. don't worry the photo will show that your car was stationary when it is compared to the background it only triggered because the breeze of the police car triggered the rader.

  5. if you can remember the time and date of this go to the local cop shop and report this saying that you are worried about it, the cop car who goes past a camera and triggers it must report it to control to report these things in case things like this happens, imagine if you were driving along and it got your back number plate you would be sitting there nervous as h**l thinking have you been over the limit?

    By the way i have seen this happen on a road local to me( the camera flashing when even no one was there i was walking along at the time and i am not that fast, lol.

  6. it should have flashed 2 times

    with the marks on the road it will work out what speed a car was doing, ie the first flash on line one the next flash on a diferent line, depening on the number of line the car past it can work out the speed.

    your car parked no prob, no lines no speed,

  7. It takes 2 shots so they can see you have not moved.

  8. the cop car travelling fast triggered the camera radar. speed cameras take two photos so they can judge the speed using the white lines on the road when they look at the photos they will see your car is stationary and the cop car in the background is moving :)
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