
Speed Help!?

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So i want to start on my high school varsity by next yr. and ive been running hills..sprint up 30 yards of hill jog back down 60 times ( 5 sprints and then rest 1 by jogging both ways)...and i usually do 60 yard sprints on the track to see my time and see if its good. Well my time hasnt changed in the last 5 months..It's still 7.9 second for a 60 meter dash. I want to improve it. I dont know what i'm doing wrong. Can anyone please help me?




  1. Yea im trying to get on my varsity next yr too, and my time been going down after i been doing my workout. in a 100m i use to run a 11.4 now my time is like 11.1, all i do is start with my drills, then i jog 4 laps with my weights non-stop rest for 20 minutes take my weights off and i try srinting 4 laps around the track or more i do hills once in a while

  2. get some track spikes, they help alot. also try doing excersizes that work on explosion, your start is the make or break of any sprint.
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