
Speed Limit and Your Opinion?

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For those who live and drive in the US (if you're not then the usual freeway speed limit here is 65 MPH), what do you think about people who maintain this limit and drive on the far left lane (where speed is usually the highest)

1. Annoying pricks, move out of my way. To the right lane or DEAD

2. Fine, keep going but I'll cut you off and flip you.

3. I'll tailgate you, A Hole!!!!!!!!!!

4. Let enjoy the slow ride together. I'll go 65, too!!

5. How dare you??? I'm ONE of them




  1. Those drivers think that because they're doing the speed limit that they are"a good driver" and obeying the law. Not so! They are ignorant and self-centered. And BREAKING the law. The "basic speed law" by creating a dangerous traffic hazard and a major back-up, because everyone that's behind them are slowing and looking for the slightest chance to pass them, which of course is to the right. This puts every driver trying to pass in harm's way, and ups there chance of causing or having an accident by 50%. So listen up you dumb sh*ts who go 65 in the FAST lane, SLOWER TRAFFIC KEEP TO RIGHT!!! Or did you miss that part too in you drivers handbook! Now, for all you drivers who are blasting down the freeway at 80-85+, and crossing 2-3 lanes to pass,on the right, those of us who are already going 70-75, what the fu*k is your big hurry??? How dare you put my life, your life, and everyones life around you a split second away from life in a wheelchair, or a coma, or with brain damage so sever they can;t even feed themselves, and lets not forget death. Yours or an inocent child, there parents,  anyone at all. What gives you the right to drive like an assho*e??? You above the law?? I think not. There is NO excuse for that kind of driving behavor. So slow down and enjoy the ride, or the view, and we'll all get where were going in one piece, when we get their.

  2. when i am driving and i get behind someone driving slower then me and they do not get in to the slow lane i just pass them in the slow lane

  3. #2, but without giving them the finger.  i respect the fact that they are trying to be a safe driver and drive the speed limit, but nowadays, we have so many drivers who want to drive faster than the limit and it gets to the point where majority rules.  unfortunately, we still have drivers that are still stubborn enough to stick to the legal speed limit and drive on the far left lane.  another problem with this is sometimes these drivers don't give enough space for other drivers to go around and pass them.  this often creates a lot of road rage, and sometimes even accidents.  i agree that everyone should stick to the legal speed, but if everyone is already going very fast then you should too, or move to the right lane and keep the traffic flowing smoothly.

  4. Driving in the #1 lane does NOT mean you can go as fast as you wish. The limit applies THERE too. Like it or not, anyone going the speed limit in ANY lane is legal, and YES I live in Calif and have been driving here 40 yrs.

    The jerks that think the carpool lane has unlimited speed REALLY kill me. Same speed limit there too.

    RED R, that "slower traffic keep right" is refering to those people going slower than the speed limit. SORRY, but THAT's the law.

  5. 3 and if im already going over the speed limit, 65 actual--going 75-80 traffic flow, and some a*****e is tailing me...i just simply slow down a bit and stay there for awhile, pissing them off even more. and if they hit me, its their fault. reckless driving, speeding, harrassment, WOW!!! thats a really big no no and big fine for that a*****e!!!!

  6. I live in So Cal, and let me say, I am either #1 or #2. Always move over to the right of someone is coming up faster than you, especially if you are in the far left lane. You do not need to be in the far left lane if you're going 65, you are holding up the flow of traffic!!! Usually I don't freak out and give them the bird, I just go around them and give them an annoyed look on my way by. I an usually traveling at 75- 80mph, and if I see someone coming up on me going 85+, I get outta the way. Of course, if I'm stuck and traffic is moving slowly, then get off my ***!!!

  7. 5.

    What are you talking about, man? They go at the MAXIMUM speed legally allowed. 65 is maximum, not minimum, dude. Cannot go any faster without getting into trouble. Are you aware of traffic laws and people who reinforce them (aka police)? Maybe it seems slow, but that's all you are allowed to go, so stick with it or move to Germany.

  8. 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,...

  9. The speed limit is 65 in California.  Deal with it.

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