
Speed Limt - how fast can i drive legally over the speed limit?

by Guest21184  |  earlier

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for example, speed limit is 60 miles an hour on the high way or 35 on the street, if i were to drive at the speed of 65 or 70 will i get a ticket? also, if i were to drive at the speed of 40 on 35 speed limit on street will i get a speeding ticket?




  1. You wont likely get a ticket for going 5 mph or less under the speed limit, but legally, you can get a ticket for going over the speed limit at all.

  2. uyour not allowed any the posted speed limit is the legal limit you can drive. Most police will give yo up to 5 mph as a courtesy since tire sizes and speedometer error and other items add up to speed error.

  3. from what i understand is that above 50mph the ticket fines jump dramatically when you go 10mph over 50mph or higher.  usually under 10mph over said speed limit the fine is very cheap (100$), this is how you can go over cause cops dont waste their time with a small fine.  over 10mph and it is an extra 10$ for every mile per hour over said speed limit.  for example: 80mph in a 50mph zone would cost 300$ while 59mph you wont get pulled over.  as for under 50mph zones, idont know. never got a tiket inthose zones.  dont get caught in a school zone.  they lay it on thick then.  or so it says on the back of the tickets.  safe driving.

  4. well tecnically you can't go over it but they usually let you away with 5 miles over but i did'nt tell you that.evening all!!

  5. I got a ticket for 71 in a 55 once, I thought that was pretty lame.  Technically, you can't LEGALLY do 1 mph over the limit, that's why it's called a speed LIMIT.  Usually cops will set up a speed trap and pull over the first car that goes by at a certain speed.  In a 65 zone, I try to keep it under 80.

  6. ummm..the legal thing to do is stay uner the speed limit..hence the name speed LIMIT. However, cops usually don't go after u if u go 4to 5 miles over...unless of course ur the only car on the entire highway! lol!

  7. Usually cops don't pull over people that are going a few miles over the speed limit.  If you're over by more then 10 and he spots you, you will probably get a ticket.

  8. There is a reason it is called the sped LIMIT, and there is a reason there is a law stating what the limit is. Even one mile over the limit is over the limit and is illegal.

    Whether you will get a ticket or not depends on many different factors. But if you are going over the legal speed limit, you are breaking the law, and you can get a ticket if the cop feels like it.

  9. about 3 miles over the limit is all you are allowed...........

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