
Speed of light and perspective.?

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When traveling in a trainign going 50 MPH and u throw a ball forwards at 50 MPG, then the ball with be traveling at 100MPH.

If your on a tain going light speed and u throw a ball at 50% light speed, then the ball with still be going light speed.

Now if you are going 10 MPH less then light speed, and throw a ball at 20 MPH, Will the ball be traveling at light speed.




  1. Are we to factor resistance?

  2. i don't know about your second statement, it depends on what observer is watching the thrown ball

    but for the third answer, the ball will get closer to the speed of light, but it will never reach it.

    According to the equations that include relativity for velocity addition, it will never reach the speed of light

    It's like this, there is a particle accelerator, and it is at a certain power to make the tiny particle (usually an electron or something) travel 90% the speed of light.

    Now if you double the power to the particle accelerator, the electron will increase it's speed, but it won't reach the speed of light. It is just what happens, a fact of the universe

    just like like poles of a magnet will repel each other, or objects of large mass experience graviity attraction to each other, no matter how much energy you put into getting an object to the speed of light, it won't reach it, it will keep getting infitesimly closer

    (at least that's the current theory, it may not be right, that's the thing about science, it's always being tested and trying to be improved)

  3. The train can't actually be going the speed of light because you need more and more energy to accelerate as you approach the speed of light. So that train would have needed to use an infinite amount of energy to get that fast.

    Plus, the closer you get to the speed of light the slower time goes for you. If the train were really going the speed of light time would stop therefore you would not be able to through the ball.

    10 m/hr = 16.0934 km/hr

    Speed of light (c) = 1,079,252,848.8 km/h

    1,079,252,848.8 km/h - 16.0934 km/h = 1,079,252,832.7066  km/hr

    % of c = 100 * (1,079,252,832.7066  km/hr) / (1,079,252,848.8 km/h) = 99.999998508839% of c

    So you would be going 99.999998508839% of c

    The ball would appear to be going 20 MPH faster than you because of the time dilation, but an outside observor would only see a minute difference in speed.

    To an observor you will be going 99.999998508839% of c

    and the ball we be going like 99.99998508839+.000000000001% or something. I don't actually know how to solve for the percieved speed of the ball for the outside observor.

  4. You can throw the ball at 20 miles an hour as measured by someone on the train, but it will seem to be moving much more slowly (over and above the motion of the train, of course) to someone stationary on the ground, because of the relativistic contraction of distances along the train.

    For more detail, look up "Lorentz transformation" in Wikipedia.

  5. Well the translucent speed of light is equal tay the speed times the advanced proliferation of the object thrown, provided the object is not subjected taly the overall mass times the speed. There has however lways been contention as to whether or not the overall velocities of objects can be measured if the speed is incontinent. Dirac showed in 1929 that bla-object translulcence was dependent on the velocity of the radiation as compared to sthe speed of electroomagnetic waves which, of course, light is one. However there remains to be dealt with the ever-present phenomenon of the wight-mass of the nucleus of the hydrogen isotopes deuterium and tritilum which when fused create helium with a loss of mass which escapes as energy and therefore, of course, the hydrogen bomb. As to the perspectiv e of the speed of light it may well be said that there still remain a numberof prolific alternatives to current thouoght on the matter but in general it is blieved that , and in fact it has ben scientifically proven, that, no, nothing travels faster than an electormagnetic wave, of which, ofcouse,l light is one,

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